Weekly Hydro Ship Activity Report - October 16 through October 22, 2022

For the Week of October 16, 2022


Weekly Hydro Ship Activity Report

Welcome to NOAA's Weekly Hydrographic Ship Activity Report! We hope you enjoy this reader-friendly layout for our weekly report as we update you on the progress of our NOAA-ship and contractor-run surveys. Please continue to direct your correspondences to progress.sketches@noaa.gov

Highlights of this edition

  • David Evans and Associates continued survey operations in Calcasieu, LA! 
  • The NOAA Ship Ferdinand R. Hassler has concluded their field season and is alongside in New Castle, NH!

NOAA Ships


  • NOAA Ship Ferdinand R. Hassler has concluded their field season and is alongside in New Castle, NH.
NOAA Ship Ferdinand R. Hassler, Photo courtesy of NOAA

Looking Forward

  • Scheduled repair period commences 17OCT2022 to 30NOV2022.
  • Continue processing the remainder 2022 surveys.


  • The NOAA Ship Thomas Jefferson completed its transit to Norfolk, VA and arrived at MOC-A on 21OCT2022; the ship began prepping for dockside repairs.
NOAA Ship Thomas Jefferson, Photo courtesy of NOAA

Looking Forward

  • Thomas Jefferson will continue processing data acquired on projects OPR-W386-TJ-22 and OPR-W387-TJ-22, while working alongside MOC-A for dockside repairs. 



  • NOAA Ship Fairweather completed operations in West Prince of Wales, Alaska and is alongside in Newport, OR. 
NOAA Ship Fairweather, Photo courtesy of NOAA

Looking Forward

  • NOAA Ship Fairweather will undergo dockside repairs.


  • NOAA Ship Rainier has concluded their field season and is alongside in San Francisco.
NOAA Ship Rainier, Photo courtesy of NOAA

Looking Forward

  • Rainier will be de-staging and getting the ship ready for the winter repair period in San Francisco.

Contracted Vessels

DEA logo


OPR-K356-KR-22 Approaches to Calcasieu, LA


  • H13678 MS
  • H13677 fill and investigations
  • H13650 fill and investigations
  • 0.5 days mechanical down time
  • 3 days weather delay
  • Returned to port for weather

Looking Forward

  • Stand down for weather and project close out plan preparations
  • Currently planning to resume operations 03NOV2022

 OPR-E347-KR-22 Central Chesapeake Bay, MD


  •  The 30’ vessel R/V Oyster Bay II continued survey operations all week.
  • The R/V Sea Innovator I continued survey operations on Sheet 1 (H13511), Sheet 2 (H13512), Sheet 7 (H13517) and Sheet 9 (H13685). The vessel made a routine port  call spanning part of 17OCT2022 and 18OCT2022.

Looking Forward

  • Continue survey operations on the R/V Oyster Bay II.
  • Continue survey operations on the R/V Sea Innovator I and continuing onboard QC of main scheme data coverage and quality to date.