Weekly Hydro Ship Activity Report - July 17 through July 23, 2022

For the Week of July 17, 2022


Weekly Hydro Ship Activity Report

Welcome to NOAA's Weekly Hydrographic Ship Activity Report! We hope you enjoy this reader-friendly layout for our weekly report as we update you on the progress of our NOAA-ship and contractor-run surveys. Please continue to direct your correspondences to progress.sketches@noaa.gov

Highlights of this edition

  • NOAA Ship Rainier was alongside in Saipan for a successful outreach event that shared survey and reef work with local students and the community. The ship then went underway to resume hydrographic and dive operations for OPR-T381-RA-22 Mariana Islands.
  • Ocean Surveys, Inc completed calibrations and transit to commence survey work for OPR-B315-KR-22 Approaches to Newport, RI.

NOAA Ships

Ferdinand R. Hassler

OPR-F364-FH-22 Onslow Bay, NC

  • NOAA Ship Ferdinand R. Hassler acquired holidays on OPR-F364-FH-22 Onslow Bay for sheets 2 and 3; then conducted mainscheme survey on sheet 7. 
NOAA Ship Ferdinand R. Hassler, Photo courtesy of NOAA
  • The small boat was deployed for training and passdown on its survey systems.
  • The ship arrived in scheduled port at Moorhead City, NC on 22JUL2022.

Looking Forward

  • NOAA Ship Ferdinand R. Hassler is currently scheduled to depart Morehead City, NC on 26JUL2022 and continue on OPR-F364-FH-22.


OPR-W386-TJ-22 Approaches to Cleveland, OH 

  • NOAA Ship Thomas Jefferson conducted survey operations on OPR-W386-TJ-22, acquiring on sheets H13607, H13610, H13611, H13615, and H13670.
NOAA Ship Thomas Jefferson, Photo courtesy of NOAA
  • The ship arrived at the Port of Cleveland on 22JUL2022 for its regularly scheduled inport.

Looking Forward

  • NOAA Ship Thomas Jefferson will get underway from the Port of Cleveland on 25JUL2022 and continue survey operations on OPR-W386-TJ-22. 


  • NOAA Ship Fairweather was alongside Marine Operations Center - Pacific (MOC-P) in Newport, OR.
NOAA Ship Fairweather, Photo courtesy of NOAA

Looking Forward

  • NOAA Ship Fairweather will be alongside Newport, OR.


OPR-T381-RA-22 Mariana Islands

  • NOAA Ship Rainier was alongside in Saipan for a successful outreach event that shared survey and reef work with local students and the community. 
NOAA Ship Rainier, Photo courtesy of NOAA
  • Once underway, the ship surveyed for features on H13578 (Pagan), and resumed multibeam survey on H13581 (Asuncion) while conducting dive operations.
Looking Forward
  • NOAA Ship Rainier will be continuing work on H13581 (Asuncion) and H13582 (Agrihan) while also conducting dive operations.

Contracted Vessels

DEA logo


OPR-K356-KR-22 Approaches to Calcasieu, LA


  • Completed H13645 22JUL2022 (pending review).
  • Opened H13646 MS 19JUL2022.
  • Three partial delay days due to weather.

Looking Forward

  • Continue H13646 MS.
  • Schedule port call 27JUL2022.
eTrac Logo


OPR-R320-KR-22 Cape Newenham, AK


  • JOA staff remotely monitored tide stations.
  • Office staff continued processing and reporting.

Looking Forward

  • All vessels have been demobilized.
  • JOA staff will monitor tide stations remotely.
  • Office staff will continue processing and reporting.
Geodynamics LLC logo


OPR-Y396-KR-22 Western Lake Michigan, WI


  • R/V Benthos collected mainscheme multibeam survey data in H13640.
  • R/V Substantial collected mainscheme multibeam survey data in H13642, H13639, and H13638.
  • R/V Substantial had a scheduled port call in Manitowoc on 22JUL2022 for dockside provisioning, crew rotations, and scheduled maintenance.

Looking Forward

  • R/V Benthos will continue the MBES survey in H13640.
  • During a weather window early in the week, R/V Benthos will transit to the southern sheets to finish up any remaining recoveries and crosslines in H13635, H13636, H13641, and H13643, and temporarily dock in Port Washington.
  • The R/V Substantial will continue MBES survey in H13638.
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OPR-B315-KR-22 Approaches to Newport, RI


  • The M/V Northstar Challenger completed calibrations and transited to the survey site to commence 24-hour operations, with a break for weather early in the week.
  • The R/V North Cove and R/V South Cove continued daylight operations in Surveys H13657 and H13659 in good weather, and worked in the more sheltered Survey H13660 when conditions were less favorable.

Looking Forward

  • M/V Northstar Challenger will continue 24-hour operations, primarily in Surveys H13661 and H13662.
  • When the sea state allows, R/V North Cove and R/V South Cove will focus on Surveys H13657 and H13659 respectively. Favorable weather conditions are expected from mid-week onward.
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OPR-R302-KR-22 Nunivak, AK


  • The Qualifier 105 (Q105) and C-Worker 5 ASV (ASV) began the week surveying in H13592 off of southern Nunivak Island. Transitioned back to survey off northern Nunivak late on 7/17 due to approaching weather.
  • MBES acquisition off of northern Nunivak in H13589, H13590, and H13591 when possible this week. Limited bottom sampling accomplished in H13589.
  • Strong westerly weather caused some downtime this week.
  • Both vessels were surveying in H13590 at the end of week. 

Looking Forward

  • A rotation is scheduled in Bethel on 7/25. The vessels will be in transit the majority of 7/24 and 7/26 as a result, with some acquisition in F00847 (transit area) expected.
  • Survey where weather allows.
  • NUN2 (Cape Mendenhall) GNSS buoy has logged 30 days as of 7/23. We will begin to look for opportunities to pull this buoy.