Weekly Hydro Ship Activity Report - June 12 through June 18, 2022

For the Week of June 12, 2022


Weekly Hydro Ship Activity Report

Welcome to NOAA's Weekly Hydrographic Ship Activity Report! We hope you enjoy this reader-friendly layout for our weekly report as we update you on the progress of our NOAA-ship and contractor-run surveys. Please continue to direct your correspondences to progress.sketches@noaa.gov

Highlights of this edition

  • NOAA Ship Ferdinand R. Hassler was ahead of schedule and completed OPR-J350-FH-22 Northern Gulf of Mexico. The ship additionally surveyed expansion areas south of the originally assigned work (651sq nm), totaling a final project area surveyed of 785.18sq nm. View their surface coverage in the 2022 Hydro Story Map!
  • eTrac continued hydrographic operations in OPR-R320-KR-22 Cape Newenham, AK. R/V Norseman II and WAM-V 22 began demobilization, while R/V Thunder continues multibeam survey. 

NOAA Ships

Ferdinand R. Hassler

OPR-J350-FH-22 Northern Gulf of Mexico

  • NOAA Ship Ferdinand R. Hassler returned to project working grounds and completed all expansion areas to the south of the originally assigned work (sheets H13625 through H13628). Collected holidays across the entire project area. 
NOAA Ship Ferdinand R. Hassler, Photo courtesy of NOAA
  • Original planned project area consisted of 651sq nm; final total area surveyed with expansion was 785.18sq nm for OPR-J350-FH-22 Northern Gulf of Mexico.

Looking Forward

  • NOAA Ship Ferdinand R. Hassler will transit to Port Canaveral, FL and is scheduled to arrive in port on 20JUN2022. Commence week long maintenance cycle before returning to Onslow Bay, NC project.


OPR-W386-TJ-22 Approaches to Cleveland, OH 

  • NOAA Ship Thomas Jefferson conducted survey operations on OPR-W386-TJ-22, acquiring on sheets H13609, H13612, H13613, and H13617. 
NOAA Ship Thomas Jefferson, Photo courtesy of NOAA
  • The ship arrived at the Port of Cleveland for its regularly scheduled inport on 17JUN2022.
Looking Forward
  • NOAA Ship Thomas Jefferson will be departing Cleveland on 20JUN2022 and conducting survey operations on sheets H13609, H13615, H13616, and H13617. 


OPR-P335-FA-22 South Coast of Kodiak Island, AK

  • NOAA Ship Fairweather was alongside Marine Operations Center - Pacific (MOC-P) in Newport, OR.
NOAA Ship Fairweather, Photo courtesy of NOAA

Looking Forward

  • NOAA Ship Fairweather will be alongside.


OPR-T381-RA-22 Mariana Islands

  • NOAA Ship Rainier departed from Guam on 16JUN2022 and worked on sheets H13572 (Saipan), H13573 (Tinian), H13576 (Rota), and H13584 (Sarigan and Zelandia Bank), H13586 (Anatahan) while also conducting dive operations. 
NOAA Ship Rainier, Photo courtesy of NOAA
  • Hydrographic survey work has been conducted mostly on overnight transits to new dive locations. 
Looking Forward
  • NOAA Ship Rainier will complete remaining lines in H13579 (Maug) and open H13580 (Farallon de Pajaros) while also conducting dive operations.
  • The ship will opportunistically observe NGS benchmarks on islands pending science permit approval.
  • On 20JUN2022, the ship will recover the HARP buoy off Pagan.

Contracted Vessels

DEA logo


OPR-K356-KR-22 Approaches to Calcasieu, LA


  • S/V Blake operations in survey area H13644 with two partial days due to weather.
  • GPS Tide float at Calcasieu Pass, LA (876809).

Looking Forward

  • Complete H13644 MS Start H13645 MS Scheduled port call on 24JUN2022.
eTrac Logo


OPR-R320-KR-22 Cape Newenham, AK


  • R/V Norseman II continued MBES data acquisition in H13564, H13569, and H13570, and acquired bottom samples.
  • As of 6/15, R/V Norseman II transited from Platinum, AK to Homer, AK for demobilization.
  • WAM-V 22 is demobilized.
  • R/V Thunder continued MBES data acquisition in H13563 and H13564. On 6/15, 6/16, and 6/17, R/V Thunder transited to Bethel to conduct a reprovision and crew change, then transited back to the survey area to continue MBES data acquisition in H13563.
  • Office staff continued processing and reporting.

Looking Forward

  • R/V Norseman II will arrive in Homer, AK on 6/19 and will be demobilized.
  • WAM-V 22 has been demobilized.
  • R/V Thunder will continue MBES data acquisition in H13563 and H13564. MBES data acquisition includes mainscheme, crosslines, and fill.
  • On 6/23, R/V Thunder will transit to Bethel for a crew change and reprovision, and will transit back to survey area on 6/24 to continue MBES data acquisition and bottom sampling in H13563 and H13566.
  • Office staff will continue processing and reporting.
Geodynamics LLC logo


OPR-Y396-KR-22 Western Lake Michigan, WI


  • R/V Benthos collected mainscheme multibeam survey data in H13635, H13636, and H13637.
  • R/V Benthos collected crosslines in H13635 and fill lines in H13636, along with backscatter and performance calibrations.
  • The on-site field team moved operations from Port Washington to Sheboygan and the R/V Benthos is now working out of the Sheboygan marina.
  • The R/V Substantial arrived on-site in Port Washington and began calibrations.
  • The MVP freefall fish was repaired and a new cable was spooled. After verifying and testing all sensors, the MVP is now operational.

Looking Forward

  • R/V Benthos will continue the inshore MBES survey in H13637, working out of the Sheboygan marina.
  • The R/V Substantial will complete calibrations and will begin MBES survey offshore in H13635 and H13641, with dock-side rotations occurring at the Port Washington Marina.
TerraSond logo

OPR-R302-KR-22 Nunivak, AK


  • Qualifier 105 (Q105) and C-Worker 5 ASV (ASV) completed transit from Bethel and began survey in the project transit area (F00847) on 6/15. Vessels continued north in transit area, following its northern border, into 6/16. The 10 m contour was encountered on the north end of the transit area and largely developed; a small amount of additional development of the 10 m contour there is still necessary and planned for the next transit through the area.
  • On 6/16, the vessels surveyed through H13591, H13592, and H13593 while in transit to northern Nunivak Island.
  • Survey began in the higher priority areas H13589 and H13590 on 6/17. The recon into the Mekoryuk area, including collecting depths to 1 m MLLW with the ASV, was started on 6/17 and continued into 6/18, working around high tide. The Mekoryuk recon was underway at end of day 6/18.
  • There are no recommendations at this time for line spacing changes the majority of the sheets. However, it is recommended that the F00847 transit area receive 800 m line spacing instead of the specified 480 m spacing. The transit area is in a region of generally very gentle slope and relatively featureless bottom, and more of this uncharted area could be surveyed during the limited number of planned transits given wider line spacing.

Looking Forward

  • Complete Mekoryuk recon survey to 1 m. This was in progress at end of day 6/18 and will complete 6/19.
  • Deploy GNSS buoys, weather permitting. Some southerly weather may prevent deployment for the first part of the week, but late week looks favorable.
  • Survey where weather allows.