Weekly Hydro Ship Activity Report - May 29 through June 04, 2022

For the Week of May 29, 2022


Weekly Hydro Ship Activity Report

Welcome to NOAA's Weekly Hydrographic Ship Activity Report! We hope you enjoy this reader-friendly layout for our weekly report as we update you on the progress of our NOAA-ship and contractor-run surveys. Please continue to direct your correspondences to progress.sketches@noaa.gov

Highlights of this edition

  • NOAA Ship Thomas Jefferson continued survey operations on OPR-W386-TJ-22 Approaches to Cleveland, OH.
  • DEA completed project mobilization and commenced survey operations for OPR-K356-KR-22 Approaches to Calcasieu, LA.
Geodynamics RV Benthos in Western Lake Michigan 06042022

Caption: Geodynamics' R/V Benthos surveying the nearshore areas of Western Lake Michigan, WI.

NOAA Ships

Ferdinand R. Hassler

OPR-J350-FH-22 Northern Gulf of Mexico

  • NOAA Ship Ferdinand R. Hassler returned to project working grounds to open sheets H13623 and H13629, and continued working on H13624 and H13630. 
NOAA Ship Ferdinand R. Hassler, Photo courtesy of NOAA

Looking Forward

  • NOAA Ship Ferdinand R. Hassler will return to project and continue survey operations. Next port call is 10JUN2022 in Pascagoula, MS.


OPR-W386-TJ-22 Approaches to Cleveland, OH 

  • NOAA Ship Thomas Jefferson conducted survey operations on OPR-W386-TJ-22, acquiring on sheet H13607. 
NOAA Ship Thomas Jefferson, Photo courtesy of NOAA
  • The ship is currently alongside for reefer repairs and food replenishment.
Looking Forward
  • NOAA Ship Thomas Jefferson is scheduled to depart Cleveland on 06/06, and will be conducting survey operations on OPR-W386-TJ-22 acquiring on sheets H13612 and H13613.



  • NOAA Ship Fairweather was alongside to observe crew rest and address Fleet Inspection findings in Alameda, CA, until going underway for sonar testing on 01JUN2022. 
NOAA Ship Fairweather, Photo courtesy of NOAA

Looking Forward

  • NOAA Ship Fairweather will resume survey operations for OPR-M328-FA-21 EXPRESS.


OPR-T381-RA-22 Mariana Islands

  • NOAA Ship Rainier continued to work on H13572 (Saipan), H13573 (Tinian), H13576 (Rota), and H13571 (Guam) while also conducting dive operations. 
NOAA Ship Rainier, Photo courtesy of NOAA
  • The ship made a port call on 02 June to swap diver teams, load stores, and bunker.
  • To date, Rainier has surveyed 3,912 SNM and 6,620 LNM on project.
Looking Forward
  • NOAA Ship Rainier will get underway on 07 June to spend a day doing ORT before continuing work on H13571 (Guam), H13579 (Maug), H13581 (Ascunsion) and H13584 (Saigan and Zelandia) while also conducting dive operations. 

Contracted Vessels

DEA logo


OPR-K356-KR-22 Approaches to Calcasieu, LA


  • S/V Blake mobilized in Gulfport, MS and transited to Cameron, LA
  • Staff traveled to the project area
  • Completed testing and opening patch test
  • Started survey operations in survey area H13644

Looking Forward

  • Return to port to repair a blown hydraulic filter
  • S/V Blake continuing operations in H13644
eTrac Logo


OPR-R320-KR-22 Cape Newenham, AK


  • R/V Norseman II and WAM-V 22 continued MBES data acquisition in H13567, H13568 and H13569.
  • R/V Thunder transited from Bethel, AK to the survey site on 5/29 and 5/30 and began MBES data acquisition in H13563 on 5/30. R/V Thunder assisted in the MBES splits acquisition in H13567 and H13568. On 6/4 R/V Thunder began reconnaissance in Goodnews Bay.
  • Office staff continued processing and reporting.

Looking Forward

  • All vessels will find a safe place to meet for a gear and supply transfer from R/V Thunder to R/V Norseman II.
  • R/V Norseman II and WAM-V 22 will complete main scheme, cross-lines, and fill data acquisition in H13467, H13568, and H13569 and continue MBES data acquisition in H13570.
  • R/V Norseman will begin bottom sample acquisition.
  • R/V Thunder will continue MBES data acquisition in H13563 and H13564.
  • Office staff will continue processing and reporting.
Geodynamics LLC logo


OPR-Y396-KR-22 Western Lake Michigan, WI


  • R/V Benthos collected mainscheme multibeam survey data in the nearshore portions H13636.
  • Data processing and reporting was conducted at GDX.
  • R/VSubstantial was hauled out of the water to swap the surface sound speed probes prior to beginning the transit through the Erie Canal to the Great Lakes.
  • R/V Substantial is underway to Lake Michigan.

Looking Forward

  • R/V Benthos will continue the inshore MBES survey in the H13636.
  • RV Benthos will conduct investigations, recoveries, and crosslines in H13635 and H13636 when weather permits.
  • RV Substantial will continue transit to Lake Michigan.
TerraSond logo

OPR-R302-KR-22 Nunivak, AK


  • The mobilization crew travelled to Homer on 5/31 with all equipment.
  • Picked up GNSS buoys from JOA Surveys in Anchorage.
  • The CW5 ASV arrived in Homer on 6/1.
  • By the end of day 6/4, all Q105 survey systems had been installed, and part of the ASV systems.

Looking Forward

  • Sea-trials likely to occur 6/5 or 6/6.
  • Vessel should be underway for Bethel 6/7, which would put arrival in Bethel 6/11 or 6/12. Acquisition on site will start 1-2 days later.