Plastic and other debris on Eastern Egg Rock in Maine (Photo: National Audubon Society Seabird Restoration Program).
Following a highly competitive review process, the NOAA Marine Debris Program is pleased to announce the 23 recipients of our 2020 Removal and Prevention Grant awards totaling approximately $2.7 million in federal funds. Federal funding is matched by non-federal contributions, bringing the total investment of these marine debris projects to approximately $5.9 million. Marine debris is a pervasive national and global problem that harms wildlife, navigation safety, ecosystem health, and the economy.
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Derelict trap removal in Vieques, Puerto Rico (Photo: Raimundo Espinoza).
We are excited to announce with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and Covanta four grants totaling $643,000 awarded to support activities in Alaska, Florida, Maine, and Washington that reduce the amount of derelict fishing gear in the marine environment. These grants, awarded through the Fishing for Energy program, will support technological advancements to reduce ghost fishing, prevent the loss of fishing gear, and improve marine debris coordination efforts.
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Submit your Letter of Intent for the Marine Debris Removal opportunity (Photo: Adam Songy, Pontchartrain Conservancy).
There's still time to submit a Letter of Intent for our fiscal year 2021 Marine Debris Removal notice of funding opportunity! Projects awarded through the removal grant competition will create long-term, quantifiable ecological habitat improvements for NOAA trust resources, with priority consideration for efforts targeting derelict fishing gear, abandoned and derelict vessels, and other medium- and large-scale debris. Letters of Intent are due September 4, 2020.
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Plastic on a beach may break up into pieces due to exposure to the sun, waves, and warm temperatures (Photo: Catherine Sheila via Pexels).
Huge amounts of marine debris enter the ocean and Great Lakes every year, but once our trash is there, what happens to it? How long does it last, and can we ever say that it’s gone? Unfortunately, when we talk about degradation rates, or the amount of time something takes to break down in the marine environment, the answer isn’t simple.
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