NOAA Marine Debris Program e-Newsletter | November 2018
NOAA's National Ocean Service sent this bulletin at 11/01/2018 11:00 AM EDT
SOS Act Signed!We are excited to share that the Save Our Seas Act was signed into law on October 11, 2018. The Act amends and reauthorizes the NOAA Marine Debris Program until 2022! 2018 Accomplishments ReportOnce a year, we like to take a moment to reflect on our efforts to investigate and prevent the adverse impacts of marine debris and to think about how far we’ve come. With the help of many partners, we have been able to accomplish a great deal. We are proud to present our 2018 Accomplishments Report, which highlights some of our major achievements over the past year. Art Contest Now Open!
The Spooky Truth About Ghost FishingGhost fishing. That phrase makes you think about a spectral figure sitting on the banks of a river with a glowing fishing pole. Or perhaps you imagine a team of paranormal investigators trying to lure a ghost out into the open. The truth is not so supernatural, but just as scary. MDP FY19 Funding Opportunity: ResearchThe NOAA Marine Debris Research Federal Funding Opportunity is open until December 14, 2018. Projects awarded through this grant competition will explore the ecological risk associated with marine debris, determine debris exposure levels, examine the fate and transport of marine debris in nearshore, coastal environments, and/or quantify habitat impacts resulting from marine debris. Projects may address one or more of these research priorities and should be original, hypothesis-driven projects that have not previously been addressed to scientific standards. Funding of up to $1,500,000 is expected to be available; typical awards will range from $150,000 - $250,000. For more information, please visit Resources for interested applicants can be found on the Marine Debris Program website. Plastic Hiding in Your Leaves
NOAA Marine Debris Program | | 2018 1305 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910 Contact us at |