Long-Term Adverse Effects and Complications After Prostate Cancer Treatment
In this original investigation article in JAMA Oncology, NCI authors explain 10 potential long-term treatment-related complications in patients with prostate cancer (PCA) based on an analysis linking Medicare claims data to two large PCA prevention clinical trials.
Read the article.
Frameshift Mutation Spectra Overlap Between Constitutional Mismatch Repair Deficiency Tumors and Lynch Syndrome Tumors
In this research letter in Journal of Clinical Investigation, NCI authors discuss a study on the overlap between constitutional mismatch repair deficiency tumors (CMMRD) and Lynch Syndrome (LS) tumors with the ultimate goal of determining whether specific vaccines and biomarkers developed for LS are also effective in CMMRD.
Read the research letter.
Defining Precancer: A Grand Challenge for the Cancer Community
In this Expert Recommendation in Nature Reviews Cancer, DCP staff and others provide a starting point for a conceptual framework for defining precancer with the goal of advancing understanding of the initial changes that occur and opportunities to intervene at the earliest possible time point.
Read the Nature Reviews Cancer abstract.
Time-Restricted Eating for Metabolic Syndrome
A study supported in part by DCP found that people with metabolic syndrome who limited their eating to an 8-to-10-hour period each day, known as time-restricted eating or intermittent fasting, had modest health benefits after three months.
Read the NIH Research Matters story.
NIH-Funded Scientists Uncover Clues to Precancer and Tumor Biology
New insights from multiple studies provide critical information on how tumors develop, spread, and respond to treatments. The 10 studies from the Human Tumor Atlas Network (HTAN), a National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded Cancer Moonshot℠ initiative to construct three-dimensional maps of human tumors, were published Oct. 31, 2024, across several Nature journals.
Read the NCI Media Advisory.
NCI at 2024 American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Special Conference in Cancer Research
Thursday, November 14- Sunday, November 17
On Friday, November 15, Lori Minasian, M.D., deputy director, Division of Cancer Prevention (DCP), NCI, will present Perspectives on NCI-sponsored Symptom Science Research at the AACR Special Conference in Cancer Research: RNAs as Drivers, Targets, and Therapeutics in Cancer.
Learn more about the AACR Special Conference in Cancer Research.
13th Annual Symposium on Global Cancer Research Call for Proposals
 Save the date: Monday, May 5 – Thursday, May 8, 2025
In preparation of this annual symposium, NCI invites scientific abstract or session proposal submissions on topics related to global cancer research and control.
Submission deadline: January 17, 2025
Learn more about submission guidelines.
Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs) |
Mechanisms that Impact Cancer Risk after Bariatric Surgery
Through these Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs), the National Cancer Institute (NCI) invites applications to support investigator-initiated studies that address the mechanisms by which bariatric surgery impacts cancer risk.
PAR-25-043 (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) PAR-25-044 (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Expires: January 8, 2028
Cancer Prevention and Control Clinical Trials Planning Grant Program
Through these NOFOs, NCI intends to facilitate well planned clinical trials across the cancer prevention and control spectrum aimed at improving prevention/ interception, cancer-related health behaviors, screening, early detection, healthcare delivery, management of treatment-related symptoms, supportive care, and the long-term outcomes of cancer survivors.
PAR-25-103 (U34 Clinical Trials Optional) PAR-25-104 (R34 Clinical Trials Optional)
Expires: October 26, 2027
NCI Coordinating Center for Clinical Trials (CTAC) Meeting
At the Wednesday, November 6 CTAC Meeting, Lori Minasian, M.D., Deputy Director, DCP, presented Electronic Collection of Patient-Reported Outcomes in NCI-sponsored Clinical Trials. Brandy Heckman-Stoddard, Ph.D., M.P.H., acting director, NCI Community Oncology Research Program (NCORP), and chief of the Breast and Gynecological Cancer Research Group, DCP, presented an NCORP Update.
Watch the recorded video (Scroll to 2:11:44 for Dr. Minasian’s presentation and 3:25:53 for Dr. Heckman-Stoddard’s presentation).
MCD Workshop: Opportunities and Challenges for the Development and Adoption of Multicancer Detection Tests
This October 28-29 National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine workshop examined the state of the science for clinical use of multi-cancer detection (MCD) tests. NCI presenters and panelists included Philip Castle, Ph.D., M.P.H., director, DCP; Christos Patriotis, Ph.D., program officer, DCP; Hormuzd Katki, Ph.D., senior investigator, Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics; and Wendy Rubinstein, M.D., Ph.D., senior scientific officer, DCP.
Watch the recording and view the presenter slides.
Symptom Science in the Context of Cancer Caregiving
Missed the last Building Bridges in Cancer Symptom Science Webinar?
Watch the recording.
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