March Clinical Center News 2016

CC News

March 2016

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Published monthly by the Office of Communications and Media Relations.

News, article ideas, calendar events and photos are welcome. Submissions may be edited.

Clinical Center News

National Institutes of Health Clinical Center

Building 10, Room 6-2551 

Bethesda, MD 20892

Tel: 301-594-5789

Fax: 301-402-0244

DTM improves safety of platelet transfusions at NIH Clinical Center

Doctors Near New Blood System Machine

The Clinical Center Department of Transfusion Medicine (DTM) prepared the first pathogen reduced apheresis platelets at NIH and transfused them to a patient in the Intensive Care Unit. The CC became the first hospital in the U.S. to collect, prepare and transfuse pathogen reduced apheresis platelets.

Rare Disease Day features patients’ voices, international collaboration

On Feb. 29, Leap Day, the Clinical Center and the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences hosted the 2016 Rare Disease Day at NIH. The event, which took place worldwide, is aimed at educating policymakers and the public about rare diseases and their impact on patients’ lives. The event drew more than 500 attendees, a record high.

Professor presents on “The Digital Doctor,” patient safety

Dr. Watcher meets with experts at NIH

Dr. Robert Watcher visited the NIH and presented a Contemporary Clinical Medicine: Great Teachers Lecture on “The Digital Doctor: Hope, Hype, and Harm at the Dawn of Medicine’s Computer Age.” Watcher, a professor and Interim Chair in the Department of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, is a well-known leader in academic medicine for his contributions to patient safely and for his role in the development of the “hospitalist” concept in the U.S.