Rosacea | COVID-19 Communication | Disease Risk | Coping | Coronavirus Vaccine

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Thursday, July 30, 2020


Relieving Rosacea

A smiling man with rosacea on his cheeks.

Discover what you can do to manage the redness and other skin problems caused by the condition rosacea. (From NIH News in Health)

Improving Communication During COVID-19

A woman in a cloth face mask having a socially distanced conversation with someone.

Cloth face coverings and distancing can cause communication challenges. Learn how to improve your conversations in the current pandemic. (From NIH’s NIDCD)

Genes and Disease

An illustration of DNA molecules.

Learn about polygenic risk scores—how your genetic data can help predict your risk of developing a disease. (NIH’s NIGMS)

Helping Children Cope with Crisis

An African American father and son working on an activity book together.

This activity book, geared towards African American families and communities, provides tools to help kids handle tragic events. (From NIH’s NICHD)

Experimental Coronavirus Vaccine Shows Promise

A colorized scanning electron microscope image of SARS-CoV-2.

Early results from the first COVID-19 vaccine tested in people showed that it triggered an immune response against the virus with no serious side effects. (From NIH Research Matters)