Strength training | Endometriosis awareness | Essential oils | Antidepressant response | GARD information

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Thursday, March 12, 2020


Maintain Your Muscle

A mature woman exercising with hand weights.

Building muscle can keep your body working properly. Find out how to get started. (From NIH News in Health)

National Endometriosis Awareness Month

A yellow endometriosis awareness ribbon.

Endometriosis can cause pain and infertility. Help raise awareness about the symptoms and treatment options. (From NIH’s NICHD)

Brain Activity Predicts Antidepressant Response

A young woman undergoing electroencephalography.

Researchers identified specific patterns of brain activity that predict whether someone with depression is likely to respond to a common antidepressant. (From NIH Research Matters)

Essential Oils

Essential oil dripping into a bottle from an eye dropper.

Learn about essential oils, concentrated plant extracts that may affect human health. (From NIH’s NIEHS)

Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center (GARD)

A man wearing a headset and typing on a laptop.

Comprehensive information about rare and genetic diseases for patients, their families, health care providers, researchers and the public. (From NIH’s NCATS & NHGRI)