Teen suicide | National Sickle Cell Month | Acute flaccid myelitis | Hearing test | Relaxation techniques

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Thursday, September 12, 2019


Teen Suicide

A father having a serious conversation with his teenage son.

Suicide is the second leading cause of death for teens and young adults. Find out the risks and how to get help. (From NIH News in Health)

National Sickle Cell Month

A red awareness ribbon for sickle cell disease.

Learn about sickle cell disease, and NIH’s role in research and clinical trials to improve the health of those who have it. (From NIH’s NHLBI)

Infection Linked to Acute Flaccid Myelitis

A transmission electron microscope image of EV-D68 virions.

In a new study, evidence of infection with an enterovirus was found in about 80% of people with acute flaccid myelitis. (From NIH Research Matters)

Do You Need a Hearing Test?

A woman holding a seashell up to her ear.

Use an interactive quiz to discover if you need a hearing test. (From NIH’s NIDCD)

Relaxation Techniques for Health

A man meditating in his home.

Approaches that focus on relaxation can help a variety of health conditions. Read more to determine if they are right for you. (From NIH’s NCCIH)