Seasonal allergies | Eating disorders | Voice problems | Environmental risks | Contagious scratching

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Thursday, April 13, 2017

Complementary Approaches to Seasonal Allergies

A little boy on his mother's back blowing seeds off of a dandelion.

Does pollen make your eyes itch? Looking for relief? Find out what research shows about acupuncture and other complementary approaches of relieving seasonal allergies. (From NIH’s NCCIH) 

Eating Disorders

The front cover of a food menu with silverware in the background.

Learn about symptoms and treatments for common eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder. (From NIH’s NIMH) 

Protect Your Voice

A little boy singing and playing the guitar with sunglasses on.

Did you know that you can overuse your voice? Follow this advice for keeping your voice healthy. (From NIH News in Health)

Health Risks from the Environment

Farmland with beautiful clouds.

Check out this interactive tool called Tox Town! You can search imaginary neighborhoods, farms, and city scenes to learn about possible toxins in the environment. (From NIH’s NLM)

You Scratch, I Scratch

A puppy scratching the side of its face.

After seeing someone scratch an itch, other people also may start scratching. A new study with mice describes the brain activity of those who imitate the scratching behavior. (From NIH Research Matters)