NDEP News & Notes: May is for Moms! Help Women with a History of Gestational Diabetes Lower Their Risk for Type 2 Diabetes

 Volume 9, Issue 5 Follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/ndepgov Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/ndep Find us on YouTube: www.youtube.com/ndepgov NDEP RSS


This Mother’s Day, Help Women with a History of Gestational Diabetes Take Steps to Lower Their Risk for Type 2 Diabetes
In support of Mother’s Day (May 12) and National Women’s Health Week (May 12-18), the NDEP has developed resources for  women with a history of gestational diabetes (hGDM) about their lifelong risk for developing type 2 diabetes, and steps they can take to lower their risk. Visit www.YourDiabetesInfo.org/GDM for more information about hGDM and resources you can use to raise awareness in your community.

May is Older Americans Month 
During Older Americans Month, share resources from the NDEP to encourage older adults to make changes for better health. Resources include NDEP’s It's Not Too Late to Prevent Diabetes tip sheet and the GAME PLAN toolkit for consumers, which provide tips on preventing type 2 diabetes, and The Power To Control Diabetes Is in Your Hands brochure that has tips to help people prevent or delay complications from the disease.

Promote Diabetes-Related Messages During Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month 
Easily find and promote resources for Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander populations in NDEP’s Diabetes Resources Catalog With Special Resources for Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders. You can also register for NDEP’s webinar, Culturally-competent Health Provider Communication: Insights from Research with Chinese, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Island Diabetes Patients, taking place on May 14, 2013 at 4 p.m. ET.

Healthy Vision Month and Employee Health and Fitness Month
Visit NDEP’s May promotions calendar for NDEP resources to help you promote diabetes messages around Healthy Vision Month and Employee Health and Fitness Month.

Partners Shine in NDEP’s Partner Spotlight
NDEP’s May Partner Spotlight is on the National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition. Learn how this partner used NDEP resources to raise awareness of the lasting impact of gestational diabetes on women and their children. 

Hot Off the Press!
The following NDEP resources are now available. Order or download your free copy today!

You can also order NDEP’s American Indian/Alaska Native Fat and Calorie Counter by emailing aianpt@cdc.gov. This resource contains a list of foods commonly eaten by American Indians and Alaska Natives and is designed to help people keep track of fat grams and calories eaten so that they can choose the healthier foods.

On the Road with NDEP
See where NDEP will be presenting or exhibiting in the next few months next or download a presentation from a past event.