NEH Division of Education Programs: August Newsletter

Division of Education Programs

Direct a Spotlight Project in 2024 

The Spotlight on Humanities in Higher Education program supports the exploration and development of small projects that would benefit underserved populations through the teaching and study of the humanities at small and medium-sized colleges and universities. NEH invites applications from two- and four-year institutions of higher education, as well as from nonprofit organizations and state, local, or Native American Tribal governments aiming to advance the humanities at these institutions.

Two funding levels:

  • Exploration: Up to $25,000, up to one year project period
  • Development: Up to $60,000, up to two year project period

Key changes for the 2023 deadline: 

  • Intended Applicants
    • “Small or medium-sized colleges and universities” is now defined by specific undergraduate enrollment numbers (for two-year institutions: below 5,000; for four-year institutions: below 10,000).
    • These institutions should also meet at least one of the following criteria:
      • Community colleges
      • Minority-serving institutions (MSIs)
      • Rural colleges and universities
      • Colleges and universities enrolling a majority (greater than 50%) of students receiving Pell grants
      • Institutions that have not received funding from the NEH Division of Education Programs since 2018
    • If your institution is an eligible nonprofit organization or state or local government, your Spotlight project must benefit students and/or faculty at small and medium-sized colleges and universities that meet at least one of the criteria above.
    • You will provide an organizational profile (Attachment 2) to establish that the institutions supported by the project are small or medium sized and meet at least one of the criteria above. Sample organizational profiles are available under “Step 1” below.

Important dates to keep in mind: 

Spotlight on Humanites in Higher Education

Upcoming grant deadlines:

Dialogues on the Experience of War: September 7, 2023

The Dialogues on the Experience of War program supports the study and discussion of humanities sources that address the experiences of military service and war from a wide variety of perspectives. In recognition of the importance of the humanities in helping Americans to understand the meaning and experiences of military service and war, Dialogues projects encourage veterans and nonveterans to reflect collectively on such topics as civic engagement, veteran identity, the legacies of war, service, and homecoming. Project teams should include humanities scholars, military veterans, and individuals with relevant experience.

Humanities Connections: September 7, 2023

The Humanities Connections program seeks to expand the role of the humanities in undergraduate education at two- and four-year institutions by encouraging partnerships between humanities faculty and their counterparts in other areas of study. Awards support the planning or implementation of curricular projects connecting the humanities to the physical and natural sciences; pre-service or professional programs, including law and business; computer science, data science, and other technology-driven fields; or other non-humanities departments or schools. Projects must incorporate the approaches and learning activities of both the humanities and the non-humanities disciplines involved.