Hear the Voices of Poets: PALABRA Archive Released 50 New Recordings This Week
Library of Congress sent this bulletin at 10/06/2023 10:44 AM EDTFollowing its annual National Hispanic Heritage Month tradition, the Hispanic Reading Room in the Latin American, Caribbean and European division (LAC&E) announces the digital release of 50 new streaming audio recordings in the PALABRA Archive — the Library’s treasure trove of recordings of 20th and 21st century Luso-Hispanic poets and writers reading from their works. With recorded authors from all over Latin America, Spain, Portugal, the Caribbean, and other regions with Hispanic and Portuguese heritage populations, the PALABRA Archive, which is celebrating its 80th anniversary this year, includes close to 850 recordings, a growing portion of which are available for online streaming.
Read more about the new releases in this blog post: The Palabra Archive Releases 50 New Streaming Recordings
Check out how the U.S. Poet Laureate Ada Limón and National Ambassador for Young People's Literature Meg Medina explored the PALABRA Archive and responded to recordings that spoke to them.