Patron Services: The Intersection between Texts and Textiles across Africa, the Middle East, and Asia
Library of Congress sent this bulletin at 09/20/2023 08:12 AM EDTYou are subscribed to Patron Services from the Library of Congress.
The Intersection between Texts and Textiles
The Library of Congress is an ideal location to analyze the overlap between textiles and texts.
Join us for a fascinating talk and Q&A session about the intersection between texts and textiles by Sylvia Houghteling, Associate Professor of the History of Art at Bryn Mawr College.
This event includes an LC-onsite display of cloth manuscript wraps and covers from Southeast Asia and the Middle East, embroidered cloth story maps by Hmong women, fabric swatch books from Japan, and manuscripts depicting the labor of textile production.
Friday, September 29, 2023
Display: 11am-3:30pm
Talk: 1:00pm-2:30pm
Library of Congress
Thomas Jefferson Building - LJ 119
10 1st Street SE, Washington, DC 20540
Metro Stop: Capitol South (Orange/Blue/Silver Lines)
The talk will also be livestreamed on To attend virtually, register at
Request ADA accommodations five business days in advance at (202) 707-6362 or