News from the John W. Kluge Center: Register Now For "Representation Gone Viral," Happening This Thursday

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Representation Gone Viral: Digital Demand and Congressional Capacity


Thursday, August 3, 4pm – Room LJ-119


Former Article One Fellow at the John W. Kluge Center Annelise Russell will convene a discussion on changes in digital communication by Members of Congress and how those changes affect relationships between staffers, journalists, and policymakers. Panelists Carrie Adams, Matthew Lira, and Steve Dwyer will bring a wealth of experience from the executive and legislative branches as well as the business of social media to the conversation.


A reception will follow the discussion.


Free registration is available here.


Annelise Russell is an expert at analyzing how organizations and lawmakers tell their story in a digital space. She is currently an Assistant Professor of Public Policy at the University of Kentucky, an external scholar with the Sunwater Institute, and a faculty associate of the U.S. Policy Agendas Project and the Princeton Article One Initiative. She was formerly a research fellow at the Library of Congress, working on a project to detail the history and currently trajectory of digital politics in Congress and what that means for congressional capacity, media relations, and political reputation-making. Her book, Tweeting is Leading, explains how senators use social media to build a reputation that matches the expectations of the constituents they aim to please. Additionally, she spent more than six years at news organizations such as National Journal, Congressional Quarterly and the San Francisco Chronicle, and worked as a press assistant for the Oklahoma Lt. Governor. She received her PhD and MA from the University of Texas, and BAs from the University of Oklahoma in both Political Science and Journalism.  


Carrie Adams is the founding principal of CAPR. Prior to founding CAPR, Carrie directed Meta’s Programs & Partnerships bipartisan national team, leading the company’s efforts to ensure that Members of Congress, the federal government, civic influencers, and advocacy organizations harness Meta’s Family of Apps to the height of their potential. She personally managed the federal Democratic portfolio, including the Biden White House, the House, and the Senate. Before joining Meta, Carrie served as deputy digital director for Senate Democratic Leader Charles E. Schumer, heading up long term planning, staff training, and web development for Leader Schumer and the Senate Democratic Caucus. In the summer of 2016, she orchestrated digital content for the Democratic National Convention Committee in Philadelphia. Prior to that, she served as digital director for then-House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, where she spearheaded digital strategy, graphic design, and digital messaging for Leader Pelosi and the House's Democrats. 


Mathew Lira is the former Special Assistant to President Trump for Innovation Policy and Initiatives at the White House Office of American Innovation, where he worked to coordinate priority policy initiatives for the office. Matt’s work centers on politics, government and the emerging digital economy. Prior to his time at the White House, Lira spent over a decade on Capitol Hill working on the senior congressional Leadership staff, serving as a Senior Advisor to then-House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy and former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor. During the 2014 election cycle, Lira served as the Deputy Executive Director of the National Republican Senatorial Committee. In 2015, Matt served as an Institute of Politics Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School.


Steve Dwyer is the Senior Director for Innovation in U.S. House of Representatives, Office of the Chief Administrator, where he works closely with House Digital Services to support modernization and digital tools for Congress. Steve has previously worked in a leadership office on Capitol Hill for 20 years, focused on technology, telecommunications, and online communication for former Majority Leader Steny Hoyer. He has designed and managed numerous advanced digital systems for House Democrats, including a caucus intranet and the popular app, Dome Watch. He has a J.D. from Georgetown Law and double-majored in Computer Science and Philosophy at the University of Vermont.