Law Library: News & Events: Library of Congress/American Alliance of Museums Visitor Survey

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Library of Congress/American Alliance of Museums Visitor Survey

Will you please help us by sharing your thoughts on how the Library of Congress, and museums broadly, can better support and engage you in 2021? Please take our survey.


Why this survey?


We at the Library of Congress care deeply about making the programs, resources, and knowledge that we share with our community and visitors meaningful. 


But we need your help! We hope to better understand how we can engage you virtually and how we can best welcome you back into our spaces when buildings reopen.


To learn more about how to do this, we are participating in a national survey of museum-goers, sponsored by the American Alliance of Museums. This survey will provide us with data from our visitors as well as nationwide results, helping us be more effective in the coming months and in the communities we serve. The survey takes about 9 minutes to complete.


Simply go to this link to get started.


Note: all responses to this survey will be kept confidential. Your responses will not be used for any future solicitation.

Thank you for your willingness to help the Library of Congress better serve you!