Law Library: News & Events: Announcing a Virtual Public Forum Feedback Form

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Announcing a Virtual Public Forum Feedback Form

As part of the Virtual Public Forum, we would like to learn more about your legislative information needs. Please take a moment to fill out our new feedback form for the Public Forum. 

As a reminder, the Virtual Public Forum is an online event that is scheduled for September 10, 2020 that begins at 10am EDT. During the public forum, Robert Brammer will provide a recap of the enhancements made to over the last year. Andrew Weber will cover what we are currently working on and initial priorities for the future. We will also have a panel of our data partners, including from the House, Senate and Government Publishing Office that will discuss the data modernization occurring across Capitol Hill and the importance of data standards. There will also be discussion periods to receive feedback on your legislative information needs. is a user-centered website: we develop new features based on feedback that we collect from a variety of sources such as webinars, comments on this blog, and the feedback link on the site.