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Learn how to transcribe our collection of 15th–19th Century Spanish legal documents

We are excited to launch Herencia: Centuries of Spanish Legal Documents! Going live this week, this is the Library's first crowdsourced transcription project in languages other than English.


The Law Library of Congress invites you to help improve access to our unique collection of historic Spanish legal materials through the Library's crowdsourcing platform, By the People (BTP). BTP is a virtual volunteering website where anyone with an internet connection can transcribe digitized Library collections to improve discoverability and use while engaging with the materials.


Our aim is not to translate the collection items but to transcribe the documents word-for-word so we can make it easier for researchers to find primary source materials.


Donate your time and expertise as a virtual volunteer. Volunteers will have the opportunity to transcribe and tag these documents online and/or review other volunteers’ transcriptions. No specific time commitment or qualifications are required.


Have questions on how to transcribe these documents? We are hosting a webinar that will provide instruction on how to identify and transcribe the special scripts in the collection.


We encourage you to register in advance using the link below:

How and Why to Transcribe Herencia: Spanish Legal Documents

Thursday, February 27, 2020

12:00 PM – 1:00 PM (ET) (English Version)

2:00 PM – 3:00 PM (ET) (Spanish Version)