Crowdsourcing at the Library of Congress The Latest

You are subscribed to Crowdsourcing at the Library of Congress from the Library of Congress.

Can you help us out?


Have you tried the new By the People Activity Prototype? It allows you to find pages to work on in a different way. You only have until July 28th to check it out, so give it a whirl today. Then please take a few minutes to fill out this survey and let us know what you think!

Your feedback is crucial to the future development of By the People. We want to create the best volunteer experience possible, so let us know what works well, what's challenging, and what you'd like to see in the future.

You will need to sign in to the prototype using your By the People log in. You will find detailed information about the Prototype on History Hub.


Thanks in advance for your input,

Victoria and the By the People team


Click here for more information.