Crowdsourcing at the Library of Congress The Latest

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Suffrage, Pride, Time's Running Out, and You're in the News

Suffrage marches on: join in!

In June we launched four new Campaigns to celebrate the 100th anniversary of women's suffrage. We also introduced new "Topic" functionality to allow us to group materials thematically.Check out our "Suffrage: Women Fight for the Vote" Topic, which brings together the papers of Mary Church Terrell, Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Carrie Chapman Catt, and Anna E. Dickinson. Help us make the speeches, letters, and autobiographical writings of these incredible women searchable for everyone. If you're interested in activism, political engagement, or sheer eloquence, these are the collections for you. 

Review a Whitman page or two to celebrate Pride month

Celebrate the last days of Pride month by reviewing pages from the Walt Whitman papers. Here's a quotation from Leaves of Grass, section 20 to get you in the mood: 

Who goes there? hankering, gross, mystical, nude;
How is it I extract strength from the beef I eat?

What is a man anyhow? what am I? what are you?

All I mark as my own you shall offset it with your own,
Else it were time lost listening to me.


Opportunity ending soon

Just one month left to try the Activity Prototype, our new way to explore pages! Once you're signed in it allows you to see dozens or hundreds of By the People pages across collections at once. You can search by Campaign, Topic, date, and difficulty. Also find contextual information about the page you're transcribing or reviewing under the "More Info" button. Love it? Could leave it? Let us know by filling out this survey:

You're in the news! 

Check out this Washington Post Magazine article about transcription projects and cursive, featuring By the People, the National Archives' Citizen Historian program and the Smithsonian Transcription

Click here for more information.