Crowdsourcing at the Library of Congress The Latest

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Review Challenge Update--you're amazing!

We're on a roll

Great work everyone! Collectively, volunteers have reviewed 145 pages out of the 500 we've challenged you to tackle between May 20th and May 28th. That's great progress in 3 days! Not to mention some folks have been transcribing pages too! There are only 17 pages not started, down from 273 a week ago. That's a huge achievement.

We started this Memorial Day challenge with 1,697 pages reviewed, and are really hoping to add 500 reviewed pages to that count by next Tuesday--bringing us to 2,197 in total. We have only 355 pages to go! Can you help get us over the line?

Review is a vital step to bringing transcriptions back to the Library's main website,, and making images of original documents more discoverable, as well as accessible to those with cognitive and sight disabilities, who use screen readers. If everyone receiving this email reviewed just one page in the "Civil War Soldiers: "Disabled but not disheartened" Campaign, we could bring all 5,147 pages back to next month! Just image how that would open up this collection for users today and in the future. Your contribution makes a real difference, so let's #MakeItMeaningful in the run up to Memorial Day. 

If you need some inspiration, check out this new blog post by historian and curator Michelle Krowl of the Manuscript Division. She wrote it specially to inspire you all as you learn more about these Civil War soldiers. 

Find a page to work on now!

-Victoria and the By the People team

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