Copyright Royalty Board News, Issue 207

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December 7, 2018
Issue 207

Copyright Royalty Judges Announce Final Rule Requiring Cable Systems to Pay Separate Per-Telecast Royalty (Sports Surcharge)

The Copyright Royalty Judges published a final rule requiring affected cable systems to pay a separate per-telecast royalty (a Sports Surcharge) in addition to the other royalties that those cable systems must pay under section 111 of the Copyright Act. For details, click here. 


Copyright Royalty Judges Announce Final Distribution of Satellite Royalty Funds for the Year 2000

The Copyright Royalty Judges (Judges) announced the final distribution of satellite royalty funds for the year 2000. The distribution determination results from a contested motion by the Settling Devotional Claimants (SDC) requesting that the Judges order a final distribution to the SDC of 100 percent of the Devotional Claimants’ share of the 2000 satellite royalties. For details, click here.



December 10, 2018: Comments and proposals due regarding notice of inquiry regarding modifications and amendments to CRB regulations following enactment of the Music Modernization Act (83 FR 55334).

December 10, 2018: Comments and proposals due regarding whether controversies exist among claimants relating to distribution of the cable and satellite television retransmission royalty funds deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office for royalty years 2014 through 2017 (83 FR 56106).
