The Indo-Pacific Infrastructure Market: Where YOUR supply  Meets THEIR Demand

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The Indo-Pacific Region covers more than 40 countries. Of those, some key markets remain strong prospects for U.S. companies in infrastructure sectors including architecture, construction and engineering.

global building

India is the fastest-growing large economy in the world. Demand for construction chemicals and concrete/cement in particular is projected to grow between 9% and 13% over the next 4 years. Demand for all types of architecture and engineering services and construction equipment and services is also strong.

For small businesses willing to have a presence in the market and commit to long-term partnerships, the opportunities are good. In this vibrant democracy, voters demand growth and the government is responding by planning 100 new airports and highways doubled in length in the next decade; $125 billion invested in railways by 2025; a goal of 100 smart cities by 2024; and an increase of 20,000 MW in renewable energy capacity by 2025.   

In Bangladesh, the need for infrastructure is vast. $31.4 billion in infrastructure projects were funded in 2017, and $24.0 billion of infrastructure investment per year will be required for Bangladesh to meet its goal of becoming a "middle income country" by 2021.   

While there are many players in this market and the bureaucracy can be difficult to navigate, many U.S. companies do have a toehold and options for partnering are solid.  

For both of these important Indo-Pacific markets, it is key to have a knowledgeable in-country adviser who understands your company's interests. The U.S. Commercial Service has established offices,  commercial specialists, and State Department partners in these locations, and can help your organization's supply match the demand in-country, through counseling, market intelligence, and introduction to partners and buyers. 

Learn more with these useful resources from the U.S. Commercial Service:


overcoming trade barriers

View the Exporting Basics video series, including the Managing Challenges video set.
