UPCS-V Exam4Inspection app Version 2.5.2 Updates

Department of Housing and Urban Development


WASHINGTON, DC 20410-5000

UPCS-V Participants,

We’ve listened to your feedback about the Exam4Inspections app, and we’ve rolled out a few updates that will make navigating the inspection process more user friendly. See what’s new in version 2.5.2!

Reformatted Inspection Report

The first page contains PHA details, Unit information, Inspection information and a templated greeting.


The second page of the Inspection Report will list any noted defects. If no defects were recorded, then the defects section will not populate in the Inspection Report.


Following the Required Repairs section is the Optional Repairs section. Other sections of the Inspection Report include the Fundamental Requirements and Remedied Defects sections.


Autosave Feature

Items recorded during an inspection are automatically saved. The user will no longer need to record and then save their answers. 

Improved Inspection List

Automatically generate a Pass or Fail Inspection Status. Depending on the defects recorded by an inspector, the system will automatically generate an inspection status. New fields were also added to the My Inspections List screen. Fields such as the Inspection Status and Completion Status will help inspectors identify the state of their inspections. 


Font Size

Users now have the ability to choose their font size between Small, Medium, or Large. 


Inspections Report

The Inspections Report (Incomplete), provides Housing Authorities the ability to quickly learn which of their inspections are incomplete. The report is grouped by date and provides additional data, such as the time the inspection was submitted, known as the Assessment Stop Time. 


Archive system

A robust archival system will aid inspectors in creating and completing re-inspections more effectively. The system will automatically archive inspection results when inspectors submit the inspection results. This feature allows inspectors to create the reinspection with the previously noted defects; giving inspectors the ability to resolve the same defect without the risk of losing the original data. 


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