(L-R) HRSA Administrator Carole Johnson, HHS Deputy Secretary Andrea Palm, and HAB Associate Administrator Dr. Laura Cheever
Dr. Laura Cheever received a hero's sendoff on Monday after a quarter-century in the HIV/AIDS Bureau. Lauded as an exemplar of public service, she was recruited by the agency in 1998 at the dawn of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program -- for which she served as an advisor as a young infectious disease fellow at John Hopkins University in Baltimore.
She departs having led the bureau to a record-breaking achievement: success in bringing more than nine out of 10 patients in the program to a state of viral suppression, meaning they can live normal and healthier lives without fear of transmitting the disease.
HRSA Administrator Carole Administrator visited Community of Hope, a HRSA-funded health center in Washington, DC, as the final stop of the national Enhancing Maternal Health Initiative tour. During this visit, Johnson conducted a roundtable convening of women and families served by HRSA programs, community health centers, HRSA-supported community-based organizations and health care providers.
HRSA launched several new web pages and features this week to help people find health services supported by HRSA.
New HRSA Homepage – links to our consumer-focused health services
En Español Landing Page – offers Spanish versions of our consumer-focused health services and a new glossary page
Services Landing Page – this new page (available in English and Spanish) is focused specifically on services HRSA offers to consumers
Healthy Start and Home Visiting consumer pages – these new pages help people get connected to these services in their community
Download the new toolkit, Improving Patient Engagement in Cervical Cancer Prevention (available in English and Spanish).
The toolkit supports efforts to increase patient and community engagement in cervical cancer prevention, screening, and management. Materials include social media posts, posters, a cervical screening follow-up card, and more.
HRSA and the Federal Cervical Cancer Collaborative (FCCC) developed the Patient Engagement Toolkit. The FCCC is a multi-year federal partnership that bridges the federal priorities of cancer research and health care delivery in safety-net settings of care.
View the webinar recording to learn about the National Strategy to Improve Maternal Mental Health Care, as well as HRSA and the HHS Office on Women's Health (OWH) initiatives that are integrating prevention and care for IPV, substance use, and maternal health.
The webinar featured speakers from HRSA's Maternal and Child Health Bureau and HHS OWH.