HRSA Celebrates National Nurses Week May 6-12
Throughout the week, HRSA is spotlighting and recognizing our nation’s nurses, who work tirelessly to provide life-saving care in communities across the country.
Led by the American Nurses Association (ANA), National Nurses Week is a special time to honor the largest health care profession in the United States.
Here’s how to join us in celebrating nurses, the backbone of our health care system:
Help us spread the word on social media
Every day this week, HRSA will highlight a different nursing grantee, their programs, and the impact they make in their communities. Look for #HHSCelebratesNurses and #NursesMakeTheDifference on our social media.
Follow @HRSAgov, watch for these videos, and help us celebrate our nursing grantees and the future nursing workforce.
Learn more about the state of the nursing workforce
In March 2024, HRSA released new data, survey results, and workforce projections on the U.S. nursing workforce with the National Sample Survey of Registered Nurses (NSSRN).
The results show that the nursing workforce is becoming more diverse, more highly educated, but less satisfied with their job. Learn more and read the fact sheet.
In support of the nursing workforce, HRSA provides over 30 nursing programs, including scholarships, loan repayment, and grants.
Check out the ANA Nurses Week Toolkit
Download the toolkit or visit the ANA website to explore resources such as social media assets, a printable poster, thank you cards, and certificates of appreciation that you can use for your Nurses Week celebration.