February 28, 2024

We’re modernizing our Uniform Data System (UDS) to reduce reporting burden, improve data quality, and better measure program services and outcomes through de-identified patient-level submissions (UDS+). We’re excited to gain better insight into the impact and needs of the Health Center Program and invite you to voluntarily submit UDS+ data for the current 2023 UDS reporting period. Next year, for 2024 reporting, we will require a minimum submission for UDS+. Those who voluntarily submit UDS+ data this year will help shape those requirements.
 To volunteer, join the UDS Test Cooperative (UTC) and view our UDS+ Cohort Model (PDF). We will share details and guidance on UDS+ early this fall. (Current UTC members, jump down.)
The UTC includes staff from health centers, Primary Care Associations, Health Center Controlled Networks, and health IT vendors. We meet monthly and BPHC staff also host UDS+ Testing Office Hours bimonthly. UTC members can log into our Health Center Patient Community (HCPC) to watch recordings from past meetings and register for upcoming meetings. The HCPC is an online platform for participants in specific BPHC programs to get timely updates, interact with other health centers, and access training and technical assistance resources.
Communicate your interest in joining the UTC via the BPHC Contact Form (Uniform Data System (UDS) > UDS Modernization > How to Join the UDS Test Cooperative).
UTC members
View past presentations in the Health Center Patient Community (HCPC). Visit the UDS+ Community in the HCPC to register for our upcoming meetings (2:00-3:00 p.m. ET on the following Wednesdays):
- March 20
- April 17
- May 15
- June 19