June 8, 2023

In response to your feedback and to other factors, we have reduced the frequency of the COVID-19 survey. The next survey will open on Friday, July 7. We’ll ask you to report data for the entire month of June (Thursday, June 1, through Friday, June 30) in that survey. The survey will close on Thursday, July 13.
In subsequent months, the survey will open on the first Friday of the month and be open for five business days.
We have also reduced the number of questions we ask. Below we describe the changes, using the question numbers (and brief descriptions) from the current survey. Look at the COVID-19 Data Collection Survey Tool User Guide for the exact question language.
Removed Questions:
How quickly your health center gets test results
How many patients received a test / tested positive, by race and ethnicity (We are adding a question: Total number of patients tested for COVID-19)
Masks distributed through HRSA Health Center COVID-19 N95 Mask Program
Questions about Vaccine Administration:
We’ve consolidated COVID-19 vaccine-related questions (10-12, 16-21).
- We no longer differentiate between the type of dose (e.g., you will report a patient receiving their first dose in the same field as a patient receiving their third dose).
- We are adding a question: Did your health center administer any COVID-19 vaccines during the previous calendar month? If you answer NO, you will not receive ANY of the follow-up questions about vaccines.
Health Center COVID-19 Vaccine Program participants: This is true even for you. If your health center did not administer any vaccines, you will not see the addendum questions.
- If your health center administered COVID-19 vaccines during the previous calendar month, you will be asked to report on the race and ethnicity of the patients who received those vaccines.
Health Center COVID-19 Vaccine Program participants: You will be asked to report on the source of the vaccines, the race and ethnicity of patients who received the vaccines, and, if any of the vaccines were from the Health Center COVID-19 Vaccine Program, the population type of those patients.
We will update the COVID-19 Data Collection Survey Tool User Guide ahead of when the survey will deploy. We will notify you when those updates are available.