Thoughts for Buffalo, Get the Answers You Need, Booster Guidance, and More! HRSA PHC Digest

A Newsletter from the Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA)

HRSA BPHC Primary Health Care Digest

May 24, 2022

Dear Colleagues,

The recent violence in Buffalo was another tragic incidence of racial prejudice like others around the country. Like you, I am heartbroken at the stories of those lost and an entire community traumatized.

The work that we do together has a foundation in righting the wrongs of bias, prejudice, and inequality in thousands of communities across the country. The Health Center Program began more than five decades ago to improve the health—and therefore the lives—of residents of the most impoverished communities, which often include a large number of people who are racial and ethnic minorities. Health centers play such an important and essential role in lifting up the health of those communities and, in doing so, address the many instances of inequity and discrimination for the populations they serve.

The Community Health Center of Buffalo, Inc. (CHCB) is an example. It’s located less than three miles from Tops and its staff were called to serve in the aftermath of the violence. The grocery store’s management asked them to work with victims’ families and employees. Dr. Kenyani Davis, CHCB’s chief medical officer, described her experience counseling these trauma victims in an interview with PBS News Hour. Before you watch or read the transcript, please be aware that some of what she describes is deeply upsetting. Here’s the interview.

We support Dr. Davis, all of the CHCB staff, and their entire Buffalo community. With them—with all health centers—we continue our mission to ensure equitable access to health care services and reduce barriers caused by systemic racism. The progress we make in eradicating health disparities, ensuring access to high quality, affordable health care, changes lives for the better.

I’m so proud and grateful for the opportunity to work with such a caring, dedicated and diverse group of people. Thank you for all that you do.

Tonya Bowers
BPHC Deputy Associate Administrator

How to Get the Answers You Need
Following the update from Office of Strategic Business Operations Director Kate Mitchell during the May 4 Today with Macrae, we issued a bulletin to health center leaders earlier today clarifying how health centers can get the answers they need from us.


Health Centered on COVID-19 Pediatric Vaccines

Updated Guidance on COVID-19 Booster Shots
On Thursday, May 19, CDC recommended a booster shot of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 5-11 who completed their primary vaccination more than five months ago. The booster shot is 10 micrograms, the same dosage as the primary series for this age group. See the CDC statement.

This recommendation aligns with and follows FDA's authorization of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine as a booster for this age group.

The following CDC websites are available to help health centers understand what this means:

In light of increasing COVID-19 cases, CDC also strengthened its recommendation that those 12 and older who are immunocompromised and those 50 and older should receive a second booster dose at least four months after their first.

HHS’ We Can Do This website offers materials you can use to encourage your community to get boosted, including social media posts, print materials, and more.


Jump To:  COVID-19  |  Mental Health Awareness Month  |  National Nurses Month  |  
                Behavioral Health  |  HIV  |  Workforce  |  Additional Resources

What's New

CDC Health Alert on Monkeypox Virus
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health and CDC are investigating a confirmed case of monkeypox in the U.S. Read CDC’s health alert, which includes recommendations for clinicians.

BPHC website

Our New Look
It’s here! Last week, we launched our redesigned BPHC website, which reflects input from our users. It employs a new layout, drop-down menus for navigation, and mobile-friendly features intended to enhance readability.

You’ll still see the pop-up survey—please consider taking it to share your thoughts on the new site!


Last Call: ARP-UDS+ Supplemental Funding
To enable all eligible organizations to take advantage of the additional available American Rescue Plan (ARP) funding, HRSA has reopened the fiscal year (FY) 2022 ARP Uniform Data System Patient-Level Submission Funding (ARP-UDS+) application window for health centers that were not able to submit by yesterday’s deadline.

The brief applications must be submitted in HRSA’s Electronic Handbooks (EHBs) by 5:00 p.m. ET on Friday, May 27. We encourage all eligible HRSA-funded health centers and Health Center Program look-alikes to apply.

Visit the ARP-UDS+ technical assistance (TA) webpage for the notice of funding opportunity (NOFO), health center and look-alike eligibility lists, applicant webinar recording, and other resources.

Funding for Accelerating Cancer Screening
Through the FY 2022 Accelerating Cancer Screening (AxCS, HRSA-22-154) funding opportunity, HRSA will invest $5 million for health centers to increase equitable access to life-saving cancer screenings, focusing on breast, cervical, and colorectal cancers.

HRSA-funded health centers (H80 award recipients) that partner with a National Cancer Institute-Designated Cancer Center are eligible to apply for FY 2022 AxCS funding. Review the FAQs for applicants, which we will continue to update. We recently added this question:

“Can my health center use its outreach specialists and patient navigators to increase cancer screenings?”

Visit the AxCS TA webpage to access the NOFO and other resources.

FY 2022 AxCS applications are due in by 11:59 p.m. ET on Wednesday, June 15.

Service Area Competition NOFO Released for February 1 Starts
HRSA released the FY 2023 Service Area Competition (SAC) NOFO, HRSA-23-019, for service areas with a February 1, 2023, project period start date. Find details for each of the announced service areas on the Service Area Announcement Table.

This NOFO announces the service areas for:

  • February 1 start award recipients that received a 1-year period of performance through a SAC/SAC-Additional Areas in FY 2022.
  • February 1 start award recipients that were given a 1-year extension due to the COVID-19 pandemic in FY 2022.

Applications are due in by 11:59 p.m. ET on Monday, July 18, and in EHBs by 5:00 p.m. ET on Wednesday, August 17. TA materials are available on the SAC TA webpage.

Does Your Health Center Have a March 1 Start Date? Review Your Patient Target
We recently updated patient targets for Health Center Program award recipients with a March 1 budget period start date. On Thursday, May 19, we sent an email message to the Authorizing Officials and Project Directors of these health centers, which indicated whether the health center would complete a FY 2023 SAC or Budget Period Progress Report. The email also included a direct link to the updated patient target. Health centers that will complete an FY 2023 SAC for awards starting March 1, 2023, should review their patient target and take appropriate action in EHBs by Thursday, June 2.

View the Patient Target Quick Reference Guide on the SAC TA webpage to learn how to access your patient target in EHBs.

Submit questions using the BPHC Contact Form (select “Patient Targets” under the Health Center Program heading).

Federal Tort Claims Act Program Calendar Year 2023 Deeming Cycle
The calendar year (CY) 2023 Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) health center deeming cycle has started. Applications are due in EHBs by 11:59 p.m. ET Friday, July 8. To get answers while preparing your application, watch a recording of our TA webinar from Monday May 9.

Or join one of these two upcoming Office Hour sessions:

Wednesday, May 25
2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Join the day of the session
If you prefer to join by phone: 833-568-8864
Webinar ID: 160 323 7395

Monday, June 27
2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Join the day of the session
If you prefer to join by phone: 833-568-8864
Webinar ID: 160 237 8877

Pledge to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
In support of HHS’s initiative to mobilize the health care sector to reduce emissions, the HHS Office of Climate Change and Health Equity (OCCHE) invites health centers to submit a pledge to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase their climate resilience. OCCHE is planning an event in June where health care sector stakeholders making commitments will be recognized.

OCCHE also recently published a Climate and Health Outlook update about extreme heat.

Medicaid and CHIP Continuous Enrollment Unwinding: What to Know and How to Prepare
Since establishing the COVID-19 public health emergency, the federal government has eased rules in order to prevent people with Medicaid and CHIP from losing their health coverage during the pandemic. However, at some point soon, states will be required to restart Medicaid and CHIP eligibility reviews. This means that millions of people could lose their health coverage due to procedural reasons. HHS and CMS are working to ensure that people are connected to the best coverage they are eligible for and would like to partner with health centers.

CMS is hosting a monthly call series to help stakeholders—like you—support this effort. View dates and times or register now. Send questions to


Test to Treat Resources
As COVID-19 cases increase, we want to remind health centers that all HRSA-supported health centers with pharmacy capacity may join the HRSA Health Center COVID-19 Therapeutics Program by submitting a ticket through the BPHC Contact Form (COVID-19 > COVID-19 Therapeutics Program). Please ensure that one authorized representative (e.g., Project Director or CEO) submits a ticket.

The following resources are available to help health centers looking for promising practices and guidance on executing test to treat:

  • We featured several health centers in our March 4 Test to Treat webinar. Watch the recording.

  • Representatives from the HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) recently joined our Office Hours to address questions from health centers. Watch the recording.

  • Visit the ASPR Test to Treat website for the latest clinical guidance and updates.

Mental Health Awareness Month

Men and Mental Health
The National Institute of Mental Health’s Men and Mental Health website provides resources for health professionals to identify common signs, symptoms, and treatment options for men struggling with mental health concerns.

SAMHSA published TIP 56: Addressing the Specific Behavioral Health Needs of Men that reviews gender-specific research and best practices, such as common patterns of substance use among men and specific treatment issues and strategies.

National Nurses Month

Join HRSA in commemorating National Nurses Month. HRSA currently has more than 600 Nurse Corps clinicians serving at health centers. Visit our social media accounts (access at the bottom of the page) and share our content as we highlight personal testimonies of National Health Service Corps and Nurse Corps members, feature HRSA programs that nurses may find useful, and share key program data.

Behavioral Health

Barriers & Best Practices to HIV Prevention and Treatment for People Who Use Drugs
The HRSA-funded National Clinician Consultation Center (NCCC) is partnering with HRSA’s HIV/AIDS Bureau and BPHC on a clinician-focused webinar.

Learn how NCCC supports clinicians who are implementing or optimizing HIV prevention and treatment strategies for persons who use drugs. This includes clinicians using pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), substance use disorder treatment, and other harm reduction practices. Speakers will use real cases to illustrate key interventions and share ideas on overcoming clinical, informational, and cultural challenges in building capacity.

Tuesday, June 7
2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Register here
**1.0 CE available**

HHS Announces its First-Ever Behavioral Health Recovery Innovation Challenge
HHS announces its first-ever behavioral health Recovery Innovation Challenge. The goal is to identify innovations that advance recovery developed by peer-run or community-based organizations—and entities that may partner with them, such as local or state governments, health systems, hospitals, or health plans.

988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Volunteer and Job Opportunities
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-8255) will soon transition to 988. The Lifeline Suicide & Crisis Network seeks volunteers and paid employees to answer calls, chats, and texts from people in crisis. Learn more.

SAMHSA’s Partner Toolkit can help health centers educate their communities about the upcoming change.


Barriers & Best Practices to HIV Prevention and Treatment for People Who Use Drugs
See the announcement above.


Health Professional Faculty Loan Repayment Program Open
Health centers, are any of your providers teaching the next generation of providers? If so, they may be eligible for the Faculty Loan Repayment Program. The program supports the recruitment and retention of health professions faculty from disadvantaged backgrounds. Applications are accepted, with full-time or part-time options available, by 7:30 p.m. ET on Thursday, June 30.

Creating a Culture of Self-Care at Your Organization
Health Outreach Partners, a HRSA-funded National Training and Technical Assistance Partner (NTTAP), encourages health center operational staff and leadership to join this learning collaborative. You will provide support to one another to discuss, plan, and implement organizational self-care strategies to support the workforce and address burnout and compassion fatigue. You will develop a strategy tailored specifically to your organization’s needs. Register here.

Additional Resources

AgWorker Health 102: Supporting Agricultural Worker Health
Faculty from the Farmworker Health Network (FHN) will share information on the most relevant current agricultural worker policy issues. They will explore effective service delivery models that include recent adaptations due to COVID-19. Finally, they will highlight training and TA opportunities, resources, and promising practices to help support health center staff in the implementation of service delivery changes and adaptations when serving agricultural workers.

Thursday, June 2
2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Register here

FHN is a six-member network of HRSA-funded NTTAPs: Farmworker Justice, Migrant Clinicians Network, Health Outreach Partners, MHP Salud, and the National Center for Farmworker Health (NCFH).

Social Determinants of Health – Medicaid Coverage and Payment
This publication developed by the National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) describes opportunities to use social determinants of health screening tools (like PRAPARE) to improve the delivery of care through enhanced data collection and relationships with safety-net programs. NACHC is a HRSA-funded NTTAP.

My Healthy Plate

Our Healthy Eating Plate: Filipino/a/x and Hmong Editions
The Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations (AAPCHO) and MHP Salud have created healthy eating education resources for Filipino/a/x and Hmong patients. These culturally and linguistically appropriate brochures will help patients build nutritious plates with familiar fresh foods. They’ll learn about portion sizes, nutrition facts, and tips for adopting healthier eating habits. Available in English, Hmong, and Tagalog. Both AAPCHO and MHP Salud are HRSA-funded NTTAPs.

In case you missed it:
Visit the Primary Health Care Digest archive.

Do you forward the Digest to others?
Encourage them to subscribe.

Training & Technical Assistance


Visit the training calendar to learn details about or register for events.

Through May 31

Strategies to Support Agricultural Workers Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence or Human Trafficking
Hosted by Health Partners on IPV + Exploitation, Migrant Clinicians Network, and Farmworker Justice, all HRSA-funded NTTAPs (Spanish interpretation will be available)
Tuesday, May 24
1:00-2:00 p.m. ET
Register here

Workforce Grand Rounds Webinar Series: Telehealth
Tuesday, May 24
1:00-2:30 p.m. ET
Join the day of the session

“Come to the Table” Web Series: A Pediatric Primary Care Healthy Weight Initiative for Children and Families
Hosted by NACHC, through a cooperative agreement with CDC
Tuesday, May 24
2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Register here (visit to see all dates and times)
**1.0 CE available per session**

Creating YOUR OWN Diabetes Resource Toolbox!
Hosted by NCFH, a HRSA-funded NTTAP
Tuesday, May 24
2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Register here

Healthy Together: A Toolkit for Health Center Collaborations with HUD-Assisted Housing and Community-Based Organizations
Hosted by the National Center for Health in Public Housing (NCHPH) and the National Nurse-Led Care Consortium (NNCC), both HRSA-funded NTTAPs
Tuesday, May 24
3:00-4:00 p.m. ET
Register here

Supporting LGBTQIA+ Veterans and Connecting to the Veterans Health Administration
Hosted by the National LGBTQIA+ Health Education Center, a HRSA-funded NTTAP
Tuesday, May 24
4:00-5:00 p.m. ET
Register here

COVID-19 ECHO Spring 2022 Webinar Series
Hosted by Community Health Center, Inc. (CHC), a HRSA-funded NTTAP
Wednesday, May 25
Noon-1:00 p.m. ET
Register here

Considerations for Sustaining a Culture of Cybersecurity Web Series
Hosted by NACHC, a HRSA-funded NTTAP
Wednesday, May 25
2:00-3:30 p.m. ET
Register here

FTCA Program CY 2023 Deeming Cycle Office Hours
Wednesday, May 25
2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Join the day of the session
If you prefer to join by phone: 833-568-8864
Webinar ID: 160 323 7395

The Unique Role of Medical-Legal Partnerships in Helping Health Centers Address Disability and Chronic Disease Discrimination
Hosted by the National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership and Health Outreach Partners, both HRSA-funded NTTAPs
Wednesday, May 25
2:00-3:30 pm. ET
Register here (visit to see all dates and times)

Strategies to Provide Productive Feedback to Your Employees
Hosted by the Association of Clinicians for the Underserved’s (ACU) STAR2 Center; ACU is a HRSA-funded NTTAP
Thursday, May 26
1:00-2:00 p.m. ET
Register here

Chiropractic Specialists as Part of Health Center Teams
Hosted by CHC, a HRSA-funded NTTAP
Thursday, May 26
1:00-2:00 p.m. ET
Register here

Building Stronger PARTNRships in Cancer Research
Thursday, May 26
2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Register here

Screening for Broadband Access and Digital Health Literacy in Public Housing Patients
Hosted by NCHPH, a HRSA-funded NTTAP
Tuesday, May 31
1:00-2:00 p.m. ET
Register here


Body Image, Perception, and Health Beyond the Binary
Hosted by the National LGBTQIA+ Health Education Center, a HRSA-funded NTTAP
Wednesday, June 1
1:00-2:00 p.m. ET
Register here

Training the Next Generation within Primary Care
Hosted by CHC, a HRSA-funded NTTAP
Thursday, June 2
1:00-2:00 p.m. ET
Register here

Top Physical Environment Compliance Issues
Hosted by The Joint Commission
Thursday, June 2
1:00-2:00 p.m. ET
Register here (for the “Key” field, enter: TJCEd)

AgWorker Health 102: Supporting Agricultural Worker Health
Hosted by FHN, several HRSA-funded NTTAPs
Thursday, June 2
2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Register here

Health Center Partnerships for Pathway Development
Hosted by ACU’s STAR2 Center; ACU is a HRSA-funded NTTAP
Thursday, June 2
3:00-4:00 p.m. ET
Register here

Fundamentals of Board Leadership Roles Webinar Series
Hosted by NACHC, a HRSA-funded NTTAP

Thursdays, June 2 and June 16
5:30-7:00 p.m. ET

Register here for the series

Enhancing Access to Pediatric Behavioral Health amidst Shortages, Part 2
Tuesday, June 7
Noon-1:00 p.m. ET
Register here
See the recording of Part 1

Barriers & Best Practices to HIV Prevention and Treatment for People Who Use Drugs
Co-hosted by HRSA and the HRSA-funded NCCC
Tuesday, June 7
2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Register here
**1.0 CE available**

Patient-Centered Medical Home Office Hours – Behavioral Health Distinction Program
Hosted by the National Committee for Quality Assurance
Tuesday, June 7
2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Register here

Reentry, Referrals, and Responsive Care: How Health Care Centers Can Support Justice-Involved LGBTQIA+ Patients
Hosted by the National LGBTQIA+ Health Education Center, a HRSA-funded NTTAP
Wednesday, June 8
2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Register here

National Diabetes Prevention Program Community of Practice Webinar Series
Hosted by NNCC, a HRSA-funded NTTAP
Wednesday, June 8
3:00-4:00 p.m. ET
Register here

Community Partnerships to Promote the Equitable Distribution of the COVID-19 Vaccine (Part II: Vaccine Delivery)
Hosted by Health Outreach Partners, a HRSA-funded NTTAP
Tuesday, June 14
2:00-3:30 p.m. ET
Register here

Today with Macrae: Health Center Program Updates
Tuesday, June 14
3:00-4:00 p.m. ET
Access details coming soon

Chronic Stress, Housing, and Health: Patient Experiences and Strategies for Comprehensive Care
Hosted by NNCC, a HRSA-funded NTTAP
Wednesday, June 15
1:00-2:30 p.m. ET
Register here

LGBTQIA+ Behavioral Health Town Hall: Promising Practices from NY, TX, and CA
Tuesday, June 21
3:00-4:30 p.m. ET
Register here

Advancing Health Equity through Health and Housing Partnerships
Hosted by the Corporation for Supportive Housing, a HRSA-funded NTTAP
Thursday, June 23
2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Register here

FTCA Program CY 2023 Deeming Cycle Office Hours
Monday, June 27
2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Join the day of the session
If you prefer to join by phone: 833-568-8864
Webinar ID: 160 237 8877

Health and Housing Partnerships to Support the Needs of Aging Patients
Hosted by the Corporation for Supportive Housing, a HRSA-funded NTTAP
Tuesday, June 28
1:00-2:30 p.m. ET
Register here

Webinars are hosted by HRSA unless otherwise noted.