YOU Can Be the Face of Change

BPHC Internal Bulletin Masthead
Face of Change

It is officially Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) season. During these unprecedented times, this is your chance to Be the Face of Change!

Due to the generosity of federal civilian, postal, military personnel and retirees, CFC raised nearly $83.6 million for local, national, and international charities in 2020. It is with great pride that we share that $43,187 of these CFC donations came directly from BPHC.

This year, we’ve all experienced the effects of the pandemic. Millions of people across our country were impacted by natural disasters. Thousands of refugee families traveled to the United States to achieve a new life. The CFC season offers opportunities for us to take action and make a difference in these situations. Our generous contributions continue to support thousands of charities across a wide range of cause areas. Each gift is valuable and adds up to make a significant impact at the local, national, and international levels.

Is this your first introduction to the CFC? Welcome aboard! Learn about the benefits of this federal tradition of donating funds and/or volunteer hours.

Did you donate previously? Welcome back! We hope you’ll consider renewing or even increasing your pledge and encouraging your colleagues to participate as well.

Get involved: It’s easy!

  • Find a charity through the online charity search. Note that there’s a checkbox that allows you to filter for volunteer opportunities.
  • Register and make your pledge today.
  • Give through payroll deduction or a one-time gift.
  • Pledge volunteer hours as an additional way to support the impactful work of local, national, and international charities.

Thank you for your support of the many local, national, and international charities in the CFC and the people we serve. We give because we care. Together, we can Be the Face of Change.

For questions, contact your BPHC CFC Campaign Coordinators, Joan Rowley-Hill (Joanie) and Nancy Gebhart.