BPHC Bulletin: Health Center Survey Addendum and Information Updates

bphc health center program bulletin

Health Center/Look-Alike COVID-19 Survey Addendum

Beginning this Friday, health centers that have received COVID-19 vaccines through the Health Center COVID-19 Vaccine Program will be required to complete the weekly Health Center/Look-Alike COVID-19 Survey.

They will also be required to answer several additional questions relating specifically to how their health center used the vaccines they received through the program. Health centers not enrolled in the Health Center COVID-19 Vaccine Program will not see, or have to answer, the addendum questions.

See a preview of this addendum. We’re working on updating the User Guide and expect these updates to be available on, or before, Friday, February 26.


Maintaining Current Contacts

Please make sure your health center’s contact listings in HRSA’s Electronic Handbooks (EHBs) are accurate.

We’ve used the contact information in EHBs to contact health centers about the Health Center COVID-19 Vaccine Program. In doing so, we’ve encountered some outdated information. It’s critical that you keep this contact information up-to-date.

Please be sure to double check:

  • Names.
  • Phone numbers.
  • Email addresses.
  • EHBs roles and rights.

Consider establishing a regular schedule to review this very important information. These resources can help:

Note: You can change contact information for the Project Director, but you cannot change the name of your Project Director without approval from your Grants Management Specialist. This is because the Project Director is listed on your Notice(s) of Award. However, if you need to request approval to make a change, this video can help you through the steps: How do I change my Project Director.

For assistance with updating EHBs roles and rights, contact Health Center Program Support online or by phone: 877-464-4772, 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. ET, Monday-Friday (except federal holidays).