What's New
First IBHS Progress Report Due Wednesday, January 15, 2020 The first Integrated Behavioral Health Services (IBHS) Triannual Progress Report is due Wednesday, January 15, 2020. The reporting module opens in EHBs on Wednesday, January 1, 2020. IBHS progress report resources are available on the IBHS TA website. These resources detail progress-reporting requirements.
Please join a live question and answer session:
Tuesday, January 7, 2020 2:30-3:30 p.m. ET Join the webcast the day of the session Call-in: 888-316-9410 Passcode: 3487950
Update on 2020 UDS Reporting Changes Earlier this year, we solicited your comments on the proposed 2020 UDS reporting changes. Based on that feedback, HRSA made appropriate adjustments to the draft instruments. For a summary of these changes and more information on the proposed UDS changes for the 2020 reporting cycle, see the Federal Register Notice.
Once approved, we will issue a Program Assistance Letter (PAL) detailing the changes in 2020 UDS reporting requirements. Visit the HRSA website for more information and resources on UDS reporting and UDS Modernization.
Budget Period Progress Report Noncompeting Continuation Deadline Clarification Budget Period Progress Report submissions for award recipients with a June 1, 2020, budget period start date are due in EHBs by 5:00 p.m. ET on Monday, January 20, 2020. TA materials are available on the Budget Period Progress Report TA webpage.
Quarterly 340B Program Registration Quarterly 340B Program site registration is open from January 1 to 15, 2020. Health centers are still able to register a site that has been verified as implemented and with a site status reflected as “active” in EHBs Form 5B through February 21, 2020. After that date, the system will close to prepare for the April 1, 2020, start. Email the 340B call center or call 888-340-2787 (Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. ET) to register a new site or ask questions.
You will need to provide the following information when calling:
- Health center name.
- Site/clinic name.
- Site IDs for all sites.
- HRSA/BPHC grant number.
- Contact name and email address.
- Authorizing official name and email address.
The authorizing official will receive an email message that the account is unlocked and a registration may be submitted.
Medicare Site Enrollment Webinar Recording Now Available HRSA recently hosted a webinar featuring the CMS Center for Program Integrity‘s Provider Enrollment and Oversight Group that explained upgrades to the Provider Enrollment, Chain, and Ownership System (PECOS) for health centers enrolling in Medicare to receive FQHC certification. The upgrades are the result of a HRSA and CMS collaboration to streamline the enrollment process for new health center sites. The webinar recording and slides are available on our Strategic Initiatives page.
HRSA's Health Center Program Making Progress on Blood Pressure Control AHRQ and HRSA released a Data Spotlight illustrating that HRSA-funded health centers met the Healthy People goal for blood pressure control in 2016-2018. AHRQ and HRSA will continue to support efforts by health centers to reach the CDC Million Hearts® goal of 80% blood pressure control among hypertensive patients aged 18-85 years. |
Substance Use Disorder & Mental Health
Practice Transformation Coaching Application Available from HRSA’s Center of Excellence for Behavioral Health TA HRSA's Center of Excellence for Behavioral Health TA supports health centers to integrate behavioral health and substance use disorder (SUD) services in primary care settings. Health centers can apply for free virtual and onsite practice transformation coaching to increase integration and implementation of behavioral health services in their practices.
Clinician Consultation Center Substance Use Warmline Providers can access free peer-to-peer clinical consultation on SUD assessment and treatment on the HRSA-supported, University of California San Francisco Substance Use Warmline. Expert clinical staff offer advice on patient-centered approaches and decision-making, use of evidence-based strategies, including medication-assisted treatment, harm reduction, overdose prevention, and integrated treatment strategies for co-occurring behavioral health conditions and chronic pain. Connect by phone, toll-free at 855-300-3595, or upload patient cases securely. The Warmline operates from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. ET, Monday to Friday.
Health Centers: A Model of Integrated Primary Care The toll taken by SUD and mental health conditions on communities across the country underscores the important role of HRSA-funded health centers in caring for low-income and uninsured patients, who are at higher risk for such conditions. Read about a study done by HRSA researchers using data from the Health Center Patient Survey and the UDS. They were able to link support services provided by health centers with fewer patient emergency department visits and hospitalizations. This is one of several articles available within our Health Center Library.
New 50-State Scan on the Non-Licensed SUD Workforce Through HRSA’s cooperative agreement with National Organizations of State and Local Officials, the National Academy for State Health Policy conducted a comprehensive 50-state scan of how each state Medicaid program pays for and oversees non-licensed SUD staff. Learn how state Medicaid agencies are developing and deploying a growing workforce of peers, counselors, and other qualified staff to supplement licensed SUD provider capacity.
Clinical Guidance for Treating Pregnant and Parenting Women With Opioid Use Disorder and Their Infants SAMHSA has developed a clinical guide that provides comprehensive guidance for managing pregnant and parenting women with opioid use disorder and their infants. It helps health care professionals and patients determine the most clinically appropriate action for a particular situation and informs individualized treatment decisions.
Funding Opportunities for Implementation Research at Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Sites NIH invites applications to enhance screening and treatment for mental and substance use disorders in HRSA Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program-funded sites in order to advance the goals of the Ending the HIV Epidemic Initiative.
RFA-MH-20-521 will support pilot or feasibility implementation studies to enhance screening and treatment of substance use or mental health disorders.
RFA-MH-20-520 will support definitive studies on implementation approaches to enhance screening and treatment of substance use or mental health disorders.
Applications are due by 5:00 p.m. local time on Friday, January 31, 2020.
Abstracts Due Friday: The 2020 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment Save the date for The 2020 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment, which will take place on August 11-14, 2020. This is the largest national conference for HIV care and treatment providers, Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program recipients, local, national and federal stakeholders, and people with HIV. Abstracts are due on Friday, December 20. Learn more.
Ready, Set, PrEP Expands Access to Medication to Prevent HIV HHS recently launched Ready, Set, PrEP, a national program that makes medications for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), taken daily to prevent HIV, available at no cost to people without prescription drug insurance coverage.
Funding Opportunities for Implementation Research at Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Sites See announcement above.
Addiction Medicine Fellowship Program Notice of Funding Opportunity HRSA plans to invest approximately $20 million through the Addiction Medicine Fellowship (AMF) program. The goal is to increase the number of board certified addiction professionals who are practicing in underserved, community-based settings.
HRSA plans to fund an estimated 25 eligible grantees. Consortia of teaching health center(s) and institutions of an addiction medicine or addiction psychiatry fellowship program are eligible to apply. AMF award recipients will receive up to $800,000 annually, over a five-year period of performance, to foster robust community-based clinical training of addiction medicine or addiction psychiatry physicians to provide opioid and other substance use prevention, treatment, and recovery services.
New 50-State Scan on the Non-Licensed SUD Workforce See announcement above.
Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration Grant The Department of Labor is accepting applications from state workforce boards for a new grant, The Support to Communities: Fostering Opioid Recovery Through Workforce Development. This $500,000 grant will fund the delivery of career, training, and supportive services by state and territory workforce agencies or tribal organizations to workers impacted by the opioid crisis. Application deadline is 4:00 p.m. ET on Thursday, January 9, 2020.
Additional Resources
Learning Collaborative: Improving Access to Care for Justice-Involved Patients and their Families Several HRSA-funded National Cooperative Agreements (NCAs) are convening a learning collaborative next February to explore the intersection of health and justice involvement, including incarceration. The four-module learning collaborative provides an overview of the criminal justice system, strategies to reduce barriers to care (including stigma), links between housing and criminal justice involvement, and opportunities to pursue community partnerships. Participants will join faculty members for facilitated peer-learning. Get more information (including dates) or register now. Up to 4 CME/CNE credits are available for participation in this learning collaborative.
2020 Starting With Success Training Opportunity The National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC), a HRSA-funded NCA, is hosting Starting with Success: Building and Enhancing Your Health Center in January at a discounted rate. This is an in-person, 2-day “Health Center 101” for new, veteran, and/or future health center leaders. Participants will receive foundational knowledge and practical tools on running a high-performing health center.
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