Happy July and summer at the Denver Federal Center!
As we look forward to summer activities, it’s also a great time to share some DFC community news. In our Summer 2024 issue you’ll learn about:
Additionally, on July 1, 2024 GSA celebrated its 75th anniversary. Checkout this cool video about our agency’s founding and visit gsa.gov/GSA75 to learn how The Future is Now.
 We are thrilled to introduce a new feature in this edition of the DFC Newsletter: our very first agency spotlight on the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) State Office.
It’s been just over a year since we welcomed the BLM State Office to DFC Buildings 40 and 1A. The state agency’s work is vital and has a significant impact on Colorado’s vast and diverse landscapes. Also, having the State BLM office on the DFC, managed by GSA, plays an important part in supporting their work.
Read full spotlight here.
We have a lot of new tenants so we’re sharing some important community information.
✅ The work request submission email has changed to DFCfacilities@gsa.gov. To ensure seamless handling of your requests, please direct all future work requests to the NEW email address. Rest assured, the rest of the process remains unchanged. Thank you for your cooperation!
✅ EV parking: All of the Electric Vehicle charging stations under the covered solar arrays on the DFC are for electric vehicles only. We also ask that patrons only use them for four hours at a time to allow others to charge their vehicles. Individuals who violate the EV parking rules will be contacted by Federal Protective Service inspectors and asked to move their vehicles.
✅ Personal recycling: Please remember that the recycling and waste bins on the DFC are only for waste and recycle items generated on the DFC by normal, federal operations. Tenants are not allowed to bring personal items from their homes for placement into them.
✅ DFCycle guidelines: All DFC tenants are encouraged to use DFCycles located at various kiosks throughout the campus. If you ride a bike to a building, please return it at the end of use or end of the day. If you notice anything wrong with a bike or kiosk, please contact the GSA Ambassador Desk at 303.236.1970 or DFCfacilities@gsa.gov. Click here for full details.
✅ Requirements for Leaving Privately Owned Vehicles at the DFC
Unfortunately, Einstein's at Building 41 has closed permanently. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause as we transition through these changes. We're working hard to bring in new services in the coming months and will keep you updated with timelines soon!
Thank you for your patience and support as we work through these changes!
✨ Exciting news! The Building 67 Cafeteria reopened on Wednesday, July 10th, from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. with a special summer menu. The cafeteria will also serve its regular breakfast and lunch menu featuring breakfast burritos, sandwiches, breakfast plates, and hamburgers.
Many projects are nearing completion, and a new construction project is scheduled to break ground in the fall of 2024.
Bicentennial Park is available for all DFC tenants.
A permit is required for non DFC tenants. A permit is also required for all (internal/external) for alcohol use.
*Contact GSA Ambassador Desk at 303.236.1970 or email DFCfacilities@gsa.gov.
Taz Wolday Building Manager DFC Team East (Building 8 and O&M Contract Officer Representative)
Brian Liivak Building Manager DFC Team Central (Buildings 53, 710, 710a and 720)
 GSA Region 8 uses a Mass Notification System Alert Program that allows us to contact as many tenants as possible in the event of an emergency, critical, or urgent situation in both federally owned and leased facilities across the entire Rocky Mountain Region.
Everbridge is used for a variety of alert situations such as, but not limited to:
- severe weather events,
- imminent life,
- health and safety threats,
- evacuation orders and
- law enforcement activity.
*Please contact Jamie Whiles at jamie.whiles@gsa.gov to receive a registration link.
Thank you to our Energy and Sustainability team for sharing some great tips on energy and water savings both at work and home.
At work:
- Most buildings' air handling systems should provide comfort for the GSA standard 10 hours per day. Exceptions include overtime utilities, advanced functionality (like labs), or missions that require 24-hour operation.
- Building space setpoints should follow GSA guidelines, and there should be a nighttime setback.
 Let’s connect the health & fitness dots:
Dot #1: Only 24% of adults meet 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans for both aerobic and muscle-strengthening activities.
Dot#2: 74% of adults are obese.
Dot#3: 60% of premature deaths are due to poor lifestyle choices like poor diet and nutrition, obesity, alcohol and substance abuse, etc.
Dot#4: The #1 reason why people do not work out on a regular basis and change their nutrition habits is because they SAY “I don’t have time.”
Dot#5: the fitness industry is an $87 billion marketplace.
Get the picture? Obese, out of shape Americans who WANT to improve their health and fitness are inundated with fitness messaging from the $87 billion fitness behemoth (compounded by the soon to be $150 billion weight loss drug industry). No plan. Tons of confusing messages. Plenty of available drugs and procedures (like liposuction) available to compensate for our poor lifestyle choices. So… nothing changes.
Since we’ve connected the dots, let’s give our resulting picture a name, “WHAT TO DO?”
Here’s what you can do if you DO want a better quality of life:
- Understand that you can’t go to the gym or Facebook or any other public resource and sort it out by yourself. You need professional guidance. Watching what others do at the gym and choosing to do “that” is called “monkey see, monkey do” training. Ask for professional advice.
- More than 50% of the gym members I observe have poor form, do the same thing in every workout, and rarely improve. You know the cliché, “Doing the same things and expecting different results is the definition of insanity.” Ask for professional advice.
- You can’t out-train a lousy diet. That’s right. You can’t work hard in the gym and overcome your poor dietary intake. 80% of fitness is DIET and NUTRITION. You can’t improve your diet and nutrition by simply eating less. You need different eating habits. Ask for professional advice.
- You DO have the time. You have 24 hours in a day like everyone else. You need someone to show you how to manage that time to INCLUDE taking care of your body. Ask for professional advice.
We’re here to help you. We ARE the professional advice you need. Come see us at Bldg. 75. Front desk hours are Monday - Tuesday, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Wednesday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. Our full-service fitness center is available 24 x 7. Come take a FREE group class on Tuesday or Thursday. Want to know more? Call/text Phil at 720.224.3126.
*For more information, please visit the Wellness Center web page.
Federal Co-Working Social Tuesday, July 23, 2024 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Building 41 RSVP by COB Tuesday, July 16th Only 30 spots available!
 Any federal employee or contractor with an HSPD-12 PIV Card can Co-work.
*Contact: B41@gsa.gov
Annual Car 25 Open House Saturday, September 14, 2024 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
 Contact: betbow@lakewood.org
Bike to Work Day Fifty-six people participated in Bike to Work Day on Wednesday, June 26, 2024.
Pride Month Flag Raising On Tuesday, June 4th, GSA Region 8 came together to celebrate the start of Pride Month!
We gathered for inspiring remarks from GSA Deputy Regional Commissioner GW Emge and the incredible Colorado State Representative Brianna Titone (D - Jefferson County), Colorado's first transgender lawmaker.
After their empowering words, we walked to Gate 1 to witness the raising of the Pride Flag, which flew for the entire month. Read feature story.
Spring Drug Take-Back Day Wednesday, April 23, 2024
 Our total for the spring drug take-back was 52 pounds!
Totals by site: Denver Federal Center: 26 lbs. Rogers Federal Building: 24 lbs. NREL: 2 lbs.