Happy Spring Denver Federal Center! This season we welcome more daylight and warmer weather plus new tenants, traffic flow and projects and much more!
This edition of our community newsletter features:
Please help us welcome the BLM State Office to Building 1A. The office issues permits to the general public for various activities on federal BLM land.
Due to the nature of BLM’s business, GSA and FPS are implementing updated traffic procedures at Gate 1. New inbound and outbound traffic signals will allow vehicles exiting Building 1A to safely make a left turn from 1A to Main Ave eastbound towards Kipling.
The lights will only be triggered for 13 seconds when a vehicle exits Building 1A, allowing drivers to turn safely. When there are no vehicles exiting 1A, the Gate 1 traffic flow inbound and outbound will remain green.
Please be aware of this new procedure as you arrive or leave the DFC through Gate 1.
GSA Region 8 launched the first Applied Innovation Learning Laboratory (AILL) at the Denver Federal Center to test clean energy technologies through three separate electric vehicle supply equipment pilots.
The AILL is one of the first-ever GSA Green Proving Ground collaborations between multiple Industry and Federal partners, including Department of Energy National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and Sandia National Laboratories. The AILL supports GSA’s Public Building Service’s efforts to decarbonize the federal footprint and achieve 100% carbon pollution-free electricity by 2030.
View the AILL update video.
 Read about some of the exciting projects happening on the DFC campus.
Warmer days are coming and Bicentennial Park is available for all DFC tenants.
- A permit is required for non DFC tenants.
- A permit is also required for all (internal/external) for alcohol use.
*Contact GSA Ambassador Desk at 303.236.1970 or email rmrcallcenter@gsa.gov.
Click here for more information.
The Avian Flu has been spreading across the country for over a year now and it has officially arrived at the Denver Federal Central (DFC).
We received our first confirmed report of dead or dying geese in early January and contacted Colorado Parks and Wildlife to validate that the area was seeing Avian Flu. GSA has coordinated our wildlife management plan for Avian Flu with Jeffco Animal Control and with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE).
Tenants may see our landscape contractor wearing Tyvek™ suits, N95 masks, gloves and foot coverings as required by safety protocols as they dispose of the fowl in a designated area.
According to the CDC website and CDPHE, the Avian Flu is currently not spreading to humans.
*If you see dead or dying fowl on the DFC, please contact the GSA Ambassador desk to report the location at: rmrcallcenter@gsa.gov or 303.236.1970.
 GSA Region 8 uses a Mass Notification System Alert Program that allows us to contact as many tenants as possible in the event of an emergency, critical, or urgent situation in both federally owned and leased facilities across the entire Rocky Mountain Region.
About the Mass Notification Alert System:
The mass notification alert system is called Everbridge. This system is designed:
- to protect, notify, alert and inform tenants of various situations using various forms of communication such as cell phones, text messages and/or emails,
- as an opt-in system for those interested in receiving notification alerts for their specific location and building(s),
- to provide GSA the ability to accurately and timely relay sensitive information to tenants located in various cities and buildings across our region.
Everbridge will be used for a variety of alert situations such as, but not limited to:
- severe weather events,
- imminent life,
- health and safety threats,
- evacuation orders and
- law enforcement activity.
Please contact Jamie Whiles at jamie.whiles@gsa.gov to receive a registration link.
 Great things happening at your Denver Federal Center (DFC) Wellness Center / Absolute Personal Fitness Center!
Did you know that …
We have two locations to serve you! Your Wellness Center membership covers both the Absolute Personal Fitness (APF) DFC location and APF’s 12364 W. Alameda location.
- APF is sponsoring the annual Federal Cup 5K run on May 13! Come on by our booth for a goodie bag and some treats and coupons!
- Your agency may be able to procure an Agency Fitness Center Agreement with us. We recently concluded an agreement with the Federal Protective Service (FPS). Absolute Personal Fitness has an active CAGE I.D. and is listed on SAM.gov. Contact phil@AbsolutePersonalFitness.net for details
Help me! I can’t stop eating! Print this out and post it on your refrigerator, in your vehicle, and on your bathroom mirror, “You can’t out train a lousy diet”. Need diet and nutrition counseling and advice? We just added that service, too! Contact Phil for more information.
Not sure where to get started in your health and fitness journey? Need advice on how to use the equipment in the gym? Come on by Building 75 on 7th Street and find out how. Showing up is half the battle. Check us out on the Denver Federal Center (DFC) Wellness Center / Absolute Personal Fitness Center web site.
Active Shooter Awareness Training
The Region 8 GSA Denver Office of Mission Assurance is collaborating with FPS to host an Active Shooter Awareness Training.
Wednesday April 12, 2023 10 - 11 a.m. Building 41, Remington Arms Conference room.
- The training will be provided by Federal Protective Service officers and is open to all tenants at the Denver Federal Center.
- The training is designed to provide tips on how to effectively plan and prepare for and respond to an active threat.
- Registration is not required.
- Parking is limited so arrive early and don’t miss this opportunity to learn about Active Shooter training.
Federal Drug Take Back Day Wednesday, April 19, 2023 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Building 25
Federal Tennis League Registration: April 1 - April 20, 2023 | Cost: $15.00 per player per season
Register | www.fetatennis.org
- If you think you might be interested in playing in a small tennis league this summer where you can play as much or as little as you want, visit the Federal Employees Tennis Association (FETA).
- FETA is open to employees and retirees of the Federal government and Jefferson County government.
- Immediate family members including junior players 14 years and older may play as the doubles partner of an eligible player. Contract employees are eligible provided they work full time with a specific agency.
*Contact: fetatennis@gmail.com
BLM Ribbon Cutting
Please welcome the Colorado BLM State Office to the DFC at a ribbon cutting event at Building 1A (near Gate 1) on April 21, 2023 at 9:00 a.m.
The event will be in-person only with an open house following the ribbon cutting at Building 40.
All DFC employees are welcome.
DFC Softball League
Softball brings people together for more than just games. Grab your glove and get ready for some fun!
The DFC has a slow-pitch coed league on Wednesdays (6 men/4 women). Details below:
Games begin in May 2023.
- Slots are available for teams and players,
- If interested as a player, please send the position you prefer to play. This information will be forwarded on to the current team managers to fill their needs for a complete team.
*For more information contact dfccoedsoftball@gmail.com.
 Fed Cup 5K Saturday, May 13 You must register online.