FAI Today

FAI Today
Past Performance

Past Performance is in your Present!

Acquisition Challenge: Past Performance (FAC 060) is a self-guided training module containing information, resources, and exercises designed to reinforce existing regulations, policies and best practices for federal acquisition professionals. Throughout the challenge, you will gain points to advance through each section. If you answer enough questions correctly, you will receive a badge indicating your mastery of the content. Register through FAITAS to accept this challenge.

Project Management

FAC-PPM Training is Here!

FAI is very pleased to announce its FAC-PPM training schedule for FY2018. Please review the schedule and register for these classes in FAITAS as soon as you can. Seats will fill up quickly!

Innovations Slider

New Acquisition Seminar: 

Innovations in Acquisitions

Agencies are taking a hard look at their buying practices, particularly when it comes to information technology. But where do you start, and what should you expect? This seminar - Innovations in Acquisitions, FCL-A-0036 - discusses key initiatives and policy and gives real world examples and practical steps from leading practitioners. Whether your agency is just beginning its innovation journey, or it’s ready to move up to the next level, this seminar will present concrete tools, techniques, and real world examples of what to do, how to do it, and what to think about as you look to increase innovation, reduce duplication, and deliver services more efficiently. You can learn about more innovative practices through the acquisition innovation advocates (AIA). Find your agency designated AIA through the TechFAR Hub or the Acquisition Gateway Innovation Hub. View this seminar through the FAI.gov Media Library or register for CLP credit through the FAITAS Course Catalog.

Rules Regulations

Contracting Officers Get New Protections

President Trump signed the Follow the Rules Act into law (Public Law 115-40) in June. The Act prohibits agencies from taking personnel actions against employees who refuse orders that would require violating a law, rule, or regulation. Prior to the law, a 2016 Federal Circuit Court decision ruled that the Whistleblower Protection Act protected employees only when they refused to violate law. This new law protects Federal employees (including Contracting Officers) from personnel actions for refusing to violate a regulation or rule as well (including the FAR). The Act now protects employees who are placed in the difficult position of either carrying out an order that would force them to violate a law, regulation, or rule or facing disciplinary action.


Bill Calls on Civillian Agencies to Avoid Using LPTA for Certain Acquisitions

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee approved a bipartisan bill on September 12, 2017 which calls on civilian agencies to make a concerted effort to avoid using lowest price technically acceptable (LPTA) source selection criteria when procuring IT and cybersecurity services, and knowledge-based professional services. The goal of the Promoting Value Based Procurement Act (H.R. 3019), now ready for House floor consideration, is for the government to secure the “benefits of cost and technical tradeoffs in the source selection process.”


Online Course Registration in FAITAS - Unavailable

If you are planning to sign up for online courses don't delay! From 27 Sept 2017 – 30 Sept 2017, registration for online FAITAS and DAU courses will be unavailable in order to make the transition from FY17 to FY18. System users will again be able to register for classes on 1 Oct 2017. Note: The DAU Virtual Campus and the FAITAS Learning Management System will continue to be available during this period for you to work on the course(s), to which you are enrolled. If you are dropped or failed from a DL Course and/or CL Module during this period, you will need to wait until 7:00 a.m. EST Oct 1, 2017 to reapply or register. Please plan accordingly.