Now Available! Offer versus Serve (OVS) Lunch Posters and Tip Sheets for Lunch and Breakfast!

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July 22, 2019

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kids on lunch line

Now Available!

Offer versus Serve (OVS) Lunch Posters and Tip Sheets for Lunch and Breakfast! 

Offer versus Serve (OVS) allows students to decline some of the food offered at school lunch and breakfast. It is designed to reduce food waste by allowing students to choose the foods they want to eat.

Team Nutrition's OVS Lunch Posters and Tip Sheets will help guide students and school nutrition professionals to effectively implement OVS in the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program.  

ovs poster

OVS Lunch Posters

These posters can be used as signage to educate students in selecting a reimbursable lunch under OVS.

These, colorful 24x36 posters for elementary, middle and high schools are available for download  at:

ovs tip sheet

OVS Tip Sheets

These tip sheets provide an overview of OVS requirements for lunch and breakfast service for school nutrition professionals and may be used as training tools.

These tip sheets are available for downloading and printing at:

The OVS Lunch Posters and Tip sheets for lunch and breakfast will be printed and available for ordering at a later date.

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