April is National Garden Month

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April 25, 2017

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April is National Garden Month

Spring has sprung! Team Nutrition has several Garden-Based Resources to connect nutrition education to school and child care gardens, local farms, and farmers markets. Use these resources to teach children where their foods come from and get them excited about eating more fruits and vegetables. Remember, healthy habits take root when kids are young!

Team Nutrition Garden Resources

Gardening resources

Grow It, Try It, Like It! Nutrition Education Kit

Introduce preschool children to fruits and vegetables with fun activities at your child care center or child care home. Modified kit for child care homes coming this summer!

Planting the Seeds for Healthier Eating 

Help kindergarten students to learn how seeds grow into plants with this lesson from Discover MyPlate.

The Great Garden Detective Adventure

Engage in a series of investigations and fun experiences to discover what fruits and vegetables are sweetest, crunchiest, and juiciest. Use this eleven-lesson curriculum for 3rd and 4th grades. Only available online.

Dig In!

Explore a world of possibilities in the garden and on your plate using ten inquiry-based lessons that engage 5th and 6th graders in growing, harvesting, tasting, and learning about fruits and vegetables.

Dig In! Poster Set

Order these six posters to display in your classroom, the school cafeteria, and throughout the school to motivate students to choose more fruits and vegetables at meals and as snacks.

Plant It, Grow It, Eat It! Healthy Habits Take Root

Get tips from the Team Nutrition Popular Events Idea Booklet  on how to start a school garden. School gardens can help increase students’ awareness of where foods come from and increase their preferences for fruits and vegetables

Get Ready For Summer Meals!

Summer Food, Summe Moves image

Check out the Team Nutrition Summer Resources. (Available in English and Spanish)

Tasty Recipes for Spring

These recipes feature fruits and vegetables that are often available in spring such as carrots, strawberries, and lettuce. 

Want to learn more about incorporating local foods into your Child Nutrition Programs? Check out the Farm to School Program website.

Bean wrap image

Ordering Information

Schools, child care providers (centers, sponsors, and day care homes), and summer meal sites that participate in USDA Child Nutrition programs may request free, printed copies of certain materials. Printed materials may also be requested by the State agency administering the USDA Child Nutrition programs. Eligible entities may request printed copies using our online order form.

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Share your garden activities with us on Twitter @TeamNutrition or by emailing us at TeamNutrition@fns.usda.gov. You can use the hashtag #NationalGardenMonth.