Clerk’s Message
By: Sheryl L. Loesch
Life is never boring in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in the Middle District of Florida. I think each member of our Court can attest that something unexpected happens nearly every day. As we face new challenges, our staff remain motivated and adapt however necessary to maintain the integrity and respect of our Court. This is a testament to the high caliber employees we have in the Middle District of Florida.
Click here to read more.
A Tribute to
Hon. Cynthia C. Jackson
By: Jeanne Kraft Herdeker and Kristyn Leedekerken
The Middle District of Florida lost a Court family member on April 21, 2023, when the Honorable Cynthia Carson Jackson passed away.
Click here to read more.
MDFL Virtual Pro Se Clinic Receives Special Recognition Award
On May 11, 2023, the Middle District of Florida Bankruptcy Pro Se Assistance Clinic received the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit Pro Bono Committee’s Special Recognition Award.
Click here to read more and see photos.
Judge McEwen’s
Make Me Smile Column
Happenings that made me smile recently and that I share to both spread the smile and inspire others to do like work . . . .
Click here to read more.
Judge Delano Celebrates 15 Years on the Bench
On June 23, 2023, Judge Delano’s family, staff, and former law clerks gathered for lunch to celebrate the 15th anniversary of her appointment as a United States Bankruptcy Judge.
Click here for article and photos.
USBC Goes to the Dogs (and Cats) for Tampa Courthouse Bake-Off
Click here for full article and photos.
 Bloom Where You're Planted!
By: Hon. Catherine Peek McEwen
That was the message a group of impressionable middle schoolers heard during a courthouse tour this past school year. In conjunction with the Tampa Bay Chapter of the Federal Bar Association and the George Edgecomb Bar Association, the Tampa Divisions of the District Court and Bankruptcy Court for the Middle District of Florida hosted approximately 40 young ladies from Ferrell Middle School.
Click here for full article and photos.
ABJA Certified Bankruptcy Assistant and Professional Skills Seminars
October 10-13, 2023 – Lafayette, Louisiana
The Association of Bankruptcy Judicial Assistants (“ABJA”) will present its annual Certified Bankruptcy Assistant Seminar and Exam on October 10-11, and annual Professional Skills Seminar on October 12-13, at the John M. Shaw United States Courthouse in Lafayette, Louisiana. Legal assistants, paralegals, and other support staff in the bankruptcy field are welcome to attend.
Click here to learn more.
Wes Beaubian, IT Support Technician
Acel Maser, IT Support Technician, Jacksonville
Kim McFarland, Case Manager, Jacksonville
Click here to read more about the newest members of our Court family.