S.D. Miss. Bankr: CM/ECF upgrade has been completed and all systems have returned to normal.

CM/ECF upgrade has been completed and all systems have returned to normal.

NOTE:  Please clear your browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc.) cache and restart your browser.

For questions or additional information, contact Collette Derouen at 228-563-1793 or collette_derouen@mssb.uscourts.gov.



U.S. Bankruptcy Court - S.D. Miss

Applies to: All ECF Filers

Subject: CM/ECF, PACER, & VCIS Offline and Not Available April 21 – 24, 2023

CM/ECF, PACER, and VCIS systems will be offline and unavailable beginning tonight at 8:00 p.m. (CST) and through 6:00 p.m. (CST) on Monday, April 24.

The S.D. Miss. Bankruptcy Court will be implementing a mandatory software upgrade.

If you have an emergency filing on Saturday or Sunday, call 601-608-4603.

On Monday, April 24, the clerk’s office will be open during regular business hours, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., to assist with any emergency filings while the system is down. 

           601-608-4600 (Jackson)
           228-563-1790 (Gulfport)

For questions or additional information, contact Collette Derouen at 228-563-1793 or collette_derouen@mssb.uscourts.gov.

Danny L. Miller
Clerk of Court