More Challenges Ahead... |
By: Sheryl Loesch, Clerk of Court
With COVID “somewhat” behind us, the Middle District of Florida Bankruptcy Court continues to face challenges ahead. As if surviving the last two years wasn’t difficult enough, we now face the largest budget cut we’ve faced in a long time. Between now and the end of the fiscal year (September 30, 2022), we must reduce our staffing levels in order to operate with a $1.3 million reduction to our “salaries account,” which takes effect October 1. So a number of our case managers have elected to retire.
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Judge's Corner
Judge Delano Re-Ups for Second 14-Year Term of Public Service
Judge Wilson, Chief Judge Delano, and Judge Williamson
Toasts were in order in the late afternoon of June 15, 2022. Why? Chief Judge Caryl Emerson Delano had been “re-sworn-in” earlier in the day. You see, when a bankruptcy judge nears completion of his or her initial term of 14 years, he or she may request reappointment. Luckily for us, Judge Delano did, and the Eleventh Circuit, which appoints bankruptcy judges, agreed.
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Judge Robson’s Investiture – June 21, 2022
Left to right: Judge Burgess, Judge Funk, Judge Brown, Chief Judge Delano, Judge Robson, Judge Geyer, Judge McEwen, Judge Vaughan, Judge Jennemann, and Judge Colton
The Honorable Grace E. Robson’s formal investiture ceremony was held in the ceremonial courtroom of Orlando’s George C. Young Federal Annex Courthouse on Tuesday, June 21, 2022. A reception followed at The University Club.
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Welcome to the Middle District’s Two New Bankruptcy Judges:
Hon. Jason A. Burgess & Hon. Tiffany P. Geyer
Please join me in welcoming the Middle District’s two newest bankruptcy judges: Judge Jason A. Burgess (Jacksonville) and Judge Tiffany P. Geyer (Orlando). Judge Burgess and Judge Geyer, both of whom were sworn in as judges in March 2022, bring to the bench a wealth of bankruptcy experience.
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Tampa Attorney Laura M. Gallo Receives Thirteen Judicial Circuit's Outstanding Pro Bono Service by a Lawyer Award
Judge Delano and Laura Gallo
On April 27, 2022, it was my honor to present the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit’s 2022 Outstanding Pro Bono Service by a Lawyer Award to Laura M. Gallo. Ms. Gallo was nominated for the Award by the Tampa Hispanic Bar Association and Bay Area Legal Services’ Volunteer Lawyers Program.
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Middle District of Florida Judges Return to In-Person Hearings |
With the worst of the pandemic appearing to be over, many of the Middle District’s bankruptcy judges are returning to pre-pandemic procedures for in-person hearings.
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