Clerk's Message
By: Sheryl L. Loesch, Clerk of Court
I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday season, and I wish everyone a Happy New Year.
I want to take a moment and acknowledge our Chief Deputy, Johnnie Prophet, who retired at the end of the calendar year after 40 years of service to the United States – 18 years working in both our Bankruptcy Court and District Court here in the Middle District of Florida, and 22 years serving in the Air Force.
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Florida Middle Bankruptcy Implements the Next Generation of Case Management/Electronic Case Filing
By now, you all have used the NextGen (CM/ECF) system. To those of us who have been around a while, so many changes have come our way that it’s mind boggling. Think about this: over the past three decades, we have gone from paper and notebooks to fancy typewriters and large filing rooms to Word processing of court documents to scanning and archiving documents and then migrating them all over to CM/ECF.
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 Thanks for the Memories
By: Hon. Karen S. Jennemann
Over 28 years ago, on November 3, 1993, Eleventh Circuit Judge Gerald Tjoflat swore me in as the first woman bankruptcy judge in Florida. Thirteen years later, in 2006, Laurel Isicoff joined me as a female colleague in the Southern District of Florida. On February 2, 2022, I will retire with an expected six women serving as bankruptcy judges in just the Middle District of Florida, and countless more throughout the 11th Circuit and the United States. This is just one change I lived.
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 On November 3, 2021, the Jacksonville Bankruptcy Bar held a retirement luncheon at the River Club to commemorate Judge Funk’s retirement after 28 years on the bench.
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Welcome to the Middle District’s Two New Bankruptcy Judges:
Jacob A. Brown & Grace E. Robson
By Hon. Caryl E. Delano, Chief Judge
Please join me in welcoming the Middle District’s two newest bankruptcy judges: Judge Jacob A. Brown (Jacksonville) and Judge Grace E. Robson (Orlando), who were sworn in as judges on November 3, 2021. Judge Brown and Judge Robson bring to the bench a wealth of bankruptcy experience.
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