Message from the Clerk Sheryl Loesch
It’s hard to believe another year has come and gone. What’s even harder to believe is that COVID is still in the news. In reflecting on the 2022 calendar year, I’d like to think of it in positive terms; however, that is far from the case where our Court is concerned. Sadly, we lost our wonderful and much-beloved Judge Michael G. Williamson. Our Court family will be missing him for a very long time, but his memory and the impact he had the Court will live on forever.
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 In Memoriam Chuck Kilcoyne
By: Hon. Caryl E. Delano, Chief Judge
Chuck Kilcoyne, who served as the Tampa Division’s Deputy-in-Charge from 1987 to 2015, died peacefully on October 29, 2022. Chuck began his career with the United States Air Force in 1968 as a Legal Specialist in the Judge Advocate General’s Office at MacDill Air Force Base.
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Judge's Corner
A Separate Tribute for Judge Williamson to Follow this Edition |
Hon. Jeffery P. Hopkins Appointed to United States District Court,
Southern District of Ohio
By: Hon. Caryl E. Delano, Chief Judge
The judges of the Middle District congratulate our colleague, Judge Jeffery P. Hopkins, on his appointment as United State District Judge for the Southern District of Ohio! Judge Hopkins, who was appointed as a United States Bankruptcy Judge for the Southern District of Ohio in 1996, served as a visiting judge in the Fort Myers Division from July 2011 through June 2012.
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Judge McEwen Swears In Former Intern
On December 16, 2022, Judge McEwen administered the Oath of Admission to The Florida Bar to Krystle Cacci. Krystle had spent time as a Federal Judicial Graduate Extern with Judge McEwen before going on to become a Senior Attorney of the Appellate Division and Assistant Director of Pro Bono Operations with the Statewide Guardian ad Litem Office
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