February 25, 1945 - July 7, 2019
By: Hon. Caryl E. Delano
The bench and bar of the Middle District of Florida mourn the passing of Judge Paul M. (“Bill”) Glenn. On July 13, 2019, Judge Glenn’s life was celebrated at a memorial service in Jacksonville, attended by judges, Court staff, practitioners, family, and friends. He is survived by his wife, Karen, his children, Claire, Catherine, Jill, Christopher, and Kevin, and four grandsons.
Click here to read more.
Have an Inspiring Summer!
By: Sheryl L. Loesch, Clerk of Court
It’s hard to believe it is summertime in the Middle District of Florida. To us Floridians the start of summer does not necessarily mean the conclusion of the school year for children or the start of vacation time.
Click here for the full story.
 After thirty years of court service, Susan Magaditsch retired as the Court’s Financial Administrator on May 31st.
Click here to read the full story.
Judge's Corner
Judge Caryl E. Delano's Order of Appointment as Chief Bankruptcy Judge for the United States Bankruptcy Court, Middle District of Florida beginning October 1, 2019.
Click here to review the order.
By: The Hon. Judge Catherine Peek McEwen
Chapter 11 lawyers, the debtor’s financial management personnel, and the debtor’s accounting professionals can avoid the most common mistakes in preparing monthly and quarterly operating reports and calculating fees payable quarterly to the United States Trustee Program (USTP) by watching the video replay of the latest program in my continuing series of quarterly brown bag mentoring programs, A Refresher on Tricks and Traps of MORs, QORs, and How to Get a Final Decree.
Click here to read the full story.
Need trial experience to obtain board certification or recertification? |
Often overlooked sources of trial experience are those relating to pro se parties. There are two ways you can tap into these opportunities:
Click here for more information.
American Inns of Court Justice Games |
Judge McEwen's Inn of Court hosted this year's American Inns of Court Justice Games, which pits eight Tampa area Inns against one another in a legal trivia and pro bono spirit competition. This year's theme was Game of Thrones. The judge came as old, grey Daenerys, complete with baby Drogon and a Starbucks cup. (She predicted, wrongfully, that Dany would survive and win the Iron Throne.)
Click here for more details.
Some Bankruptcy Judges Showing the Love at the Florida Bar Convention
Click here for a larger picture.
Rose Paskay's 90th Birthday Celebration
Happy 90th Birthday to our first First Lady of the modern era Bankruptcy Court in Middle Florida, Rose Paskay, bride of Chief Judge Emeritus Alexander L. Paskay!
Click here for the full story.
Dear Point & Click: Answers to Technical Questions
Dear Point and Click,
Where's My Order? (When obvious typographical errors are made)
Some of my proposed orders seem to take a little longer than others to get entered, and several are sent back to me to correct errors. Regrettably I must admit, in the interest of time, some of my best proofreading is done after I hit "send." Do you have any tips for me?
For the Answers, click here.
Ithaca by the Greek poet Constantine Cavafy
Judge Glenn's favorite poem, as read at his memorial service.
Click here to read the poem. |