What's Happening with Our Case Filings?
By: Chief Judge Michael G. Williamson
All the business news these days is that the economy is doing very well. Unemployment is at historically low numbers. The stock market is doing well. Yet, for some reason, for the first time in the last decade, our filings have started going up. Something is going on, and I can’t figure it out.
Click here for the full story.
Judge's Corner
Judge McEwen swears into the Bar, new lawyer Cynetra Jackson. Cynetra is a graduate of WMU Cooley Law School and had taken Judge McEwen’s bankruptcy class.
 Click here to view larger image of pictures.
Ferrell Middle School
Magnet School Tour
By: The Honorable Judge Catherine Peek McEwen
Judge McEwen and the George Edgecomb Bar Association (GEBA) hosted about 35 middle school girls from Ferrell Legal Magnet School in March during National Judicial Outreach Week.
Click here to read the full story.
By: The Honorable Judge Catherine Peek McEwen
Make Me Smile Moment #1: |
Good-hearted Patti Halloran helped a debtor in the clinic one recent afternoon and then came back down to the courtroom with the debtor after the clinic closed to help the debtor some more. Patti ended up staying a half hour past the time of her commitment. Thank you, Patti.
Make Me Smile Moment #2: |
A pro se debtor in a hearing today: "The lawyers in the clinic are wonderful, especially Mr. (Robert) Geller and Mr. (Tim) Sierra."
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Click here for a larger picture.
 In February, the Tampa Judges held a “Thank You!” luncheon to show their gratitude to the 2018 Tampa Courthouse Pro Se Clinic Volunteers.
Click here for more information.
Judge McEwen's Annual
Mardi Gras Celebration
And the annual Baby King Cake winner is....
A year of good luck to Debbie Kerkes, who found the baby in her slice of King Cake.
On Fat Tuesday (March 5th), the Tuesday case management staff in Tampa participated in Judge McEwen's annual Mardi Gras celebration.
Click here for the full story.
Proposed New & Amended Local Rules Posted For Public Comment |
The judges of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Middle District of Florida are considering proposed amendments to the Local Rules. The proposals are posted on the Court’s website for public comment.
Click here for the full story.
By: Jill Kelso, Orlando Office of the U.S. Trustee
Orlando Office of the United States Trustee to Host Region 21 Chapter 7 Panel Trustee Training in Orlando on June 6-7, 2019
The Orlando Office of the United States Trustee will be hosting training for approximately 95 Chapter 7 Panel Trustees located throughout Region 21, which comprises Florida, Georgia and Puerto Rico.
Click here to read the full story.
Procedure Manuel Committee Update |
The Procedure Manual Committee was busy at the beginning of 2019. Our January update was delayed due to the partial government shutdown. We finished this update on March 15, 2019. We added nine new procedures, created seven new forms, and revised nine existing procedures. Remember, you can identify the new or updated procedures when there is red text next to the procedure in the Table of Contents.
Click here for the full story.