Clerk's Message
January 2019
By: Sheryl L. Loesch, Clerk of the Court
It’s hard to believe another year has come and gone. As we get ready to close out 2018 and welcome 2019, I want to thank all of our Court family for another year of living our goal of “One Court, One Team” and for everyone’s dedicated service, excellent work ethic, and caring for one other. This is always the time of year when we reflect upon accomplishments from the past year while looking forward to our goals and dreams for the upcoming one.
Click here for the full story.
Chief Judge Isicoff (FLSB) and Judge McEwen enjoying the presidential decorations at the White House in December
 While in Washington DC, Judge McEwen runs into former FLMB Shared Law Clerk, Amir Shachmurove.
 Click here to view larger image of pictures.
Calling all Lawyers to Reignite our Court's Legal Assistance Program
By: The Honorable Judge Catherine Peek McEwen
Perhaps you do not know about a pro bono program administrated by our Court. No, it's not the (very successful) courthouse clinics operated by the local bankruptcy bar associations in our divisions, which clinics provide on-the-spot limited legal advice. Our Court's program is called the Legal Assistance Program (LAP), which provides a longer-term commitment to an indigent client.
Click here to read the full story.
Pro Se Debtor Negotiates Improved Reaffirmation Agreement on Her Own
By: The Honorable Judge Catherine Peek McEwen
Debtor Christina P. did for herself something that we do not see many lawyers even attempting, which is obtaining concessions in the context of negotiating a reaffirmation agreement.
Click here for the full story.
 The United States Trustee Program: Celebrating 30 Years
By: Charles R. Sterbach, Asst. U. S. Trustee
Between 1987 and 1988, the United States Trustee Program opened more than seventy offices, enhancing fourteen existing offices that had been opened earlier during a pilot phase, and commenced its nationwide efforts to serve as the “watchdog” of the national bankruptcy system with the singular goal of promoting the integrity and efficiency of the bankruptcy system.
Click here to read the full story.
District Steering Committee Update
On November 7, 2018, the Steering Committee hosted its 7th Annual Bench Bar Conference at the Sam Gibbons Federal Courthouse. The Conference was well attended and included judges, courtroom personnel, trustees, and attorneys from each division in the Middle District. Additionally, faculty members and law students from the University of Florida, Stetson, FAMU, Barry, and Thomas M. Cooley law schools were invited to participate.
Click here for the full story.
Dear Point & Click: Answers to Technical Questions
Dear Point and Click,
Question: I have forgotten the password associated with my Bankruptcy Court CM/ECF filing account; how do I obtain a new one?
For the Answer, click here.
 The Court Connection is published quarterly. Please submit items for inclusion in the next edition by
March 31, 2019 to:
newsletter@flmb.uscourts.gov |