Giving Back
by: Sheryl Loesch, Clerk of Court
I cannot believe that more than a year has passed since I became the Clerk of Court. It has been a fun and rewarding year for me.
Of all the wonderful attributes I have discovered about our Court, one attribute that stands out to me is the kind and giving spirit of the judges and staff. Seeing this spirit memorialized in the Court’s Mission Statement is one thing; however, seeing it modeled by our people regularly is exemplary. Community service and concern for others is seen at every level of our court. It is easy to "talk the talk" but it is more important to "walk the talk." The Middle District of Florida Bankruptcy Court "walks the talk."
Click here for the full story.
Law Day 2018 in Jacksonville
by: Tony Constantini
The school was West Riverside Elementary. Lawyers went to four different art classes for fourth and fifth graders, over the course of four days. The Law Day theme this year was the separation of powers doctrine so we talked to the kids about the concept, and how the intent is to have branches act as a check on the other branches. Click here for the rest of the story.
Make Me Smile Moment
Submitted by: Judge McEwen
Actually there were 30 such moments. That's because some 30 business and
consumer creditor lawyers attended Judge McEwen's Quarterly Mentoring Session on July 6th to learn how to
staff the Tampa courthouse clinic operated by the
Tampa Bay Bankruptcy Bar Association. Click here for the full article.
Click here for the TBBBA Honor Roll for April, May and June!
Procedure Manual Committee Update: FLMB’s Resource
Hub—The Source
by: Danielle L. Merola, Law Clerk of Hon. Karen S. Jennemann
The quarterly update to the Source will occur in July and will again primarily focus on the Procedure Manual. We will add eleven new procedures. Some procedures come from the documents listed under "Other District Wide Forms," and others are brand new. We will also update existing procedures.
Click here to read more.
News from the District Wide Steering Committee
by: Tim Sierra, Esq.
of individuals from the Clerk of the Bankruptcy Court, the Office of the United
States Trustee, the Chapter 7 panel trustees, the standing Chapter 13 trustees,
members of the creditor and debtor bars, Chapter 11 practitioners, and business
attorneys in all four divisions of the Middle District of Florida, the Steering
Committee meets once a month to discuss topics for the annual Bench Bar Conference.
The purpose and goal of the Committee is to find policies and procedures in the
district that may be ripe for uniformity.
Click here for the full story.
by: Kim Osment, Communication Specialist
The Website Committee welcomed new member Wendy Chatham (Judge
Jackson's Courtroom Deputy - ORL) in May 2018. We are excited to have Wendy
join the team. The Website Committee continues its work to maintain and update
the Court's External and Internal Websites. The recently debuted Featured
Updates Box provides website visitors a list of the newest or most recently
updated website links. Future external website projects include updates to the
Frequently Asked Questions and Locations pages. We are also adding new features
to pages on the Internal Website (KEN - http://intra.flmb.circ11.dcn/flmb/) and hope to share these new features
with Court staff soon. As time permits, please check KEN's center rotator box
for interesting monthly news. The Committee's next scheduled meeting is August
22, 2018.
Judges' Corner
Inside the lives of our Judges
Visit to Naval Special Warfare Command
Submitted by: Judge McEwen
Judge McEwen flanked by a Navy Public
Affairs Officer (who is attending law school in his spare time) (L), the Creature
from the Black Lagoon (the sign says "So You Wanna Be a Frogman"),
and Bankruptcy Judge Mike Romero (R), current president of the National
Conference of Bankruptcy Judges.
As a side trip coincident to a committee
meeting of the Judicial Conference of the United States, the judges visited the
Naval Special Warfare Command in Coronado, CA to learn about the training of
Navy Seals and Navy Special Warfare Combatant-craft Crewmen (SWCCs, pronounced
"swiks") and the different firearms they use.
United States Supreme Court Rules on 11 U.S.C. Sec 523(a)(2)
by: Filipa Andreia Bento, Orlando Extern
Archer & Cofrin, LLP v. Appling (In re Appling),
584 U.S. ___; 201 L. Ed. 2d 102 (2018).
Respondent, R. Scott
Appling (Appling), fell behind on his legal bills owed to Petitioner, Lamar,
Archer & Cofrin, LLP (Lamar), a law firm Appling hired to represent him.[1]
Lamar informed Appling the firm would withdraw from representation and place a
lien on its work product if Appling did not pay his bills.
[1] Lamar, Archer
& Cofrin, LLP v. Appling (In re Appling), 584 U.S. ___; 201 L. Ed. 2d
102 (2018).
Click here to read more.
 The Court Connection is published quarterly. Please submit items for inclusion in the next edition by
September 30, 2018 to:
newsletter@flmb.uscourts.gov |