FDIC and CSBS Host Webinar for Senior Bank Officials, Providing an Opportunity to Promote Savings during America Saves Week (February 25—March 2, 2013)

In preparation for America Saves Week (February 25—March 2, 2013), the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and Conference of State Bank Supervisors invite senior bank officials to a webinar on potential strategies to encourage consumers to save in federally insured financial institutions. The webinar will also overview case studies of approaches used by other financial institutions to promote savings during America Saves Week.

According to the FDIC’s 2011 FDIC National Survey of Unbanked and Underbanked Households, only 69 percent of households have a savings account and the incidence of having a savings account is lower for certain demographic groups. Other research suggests a sizable portion of the population lacks an adequate emergency savings fund. America Saves Week 2013 (February 25-March 2) is a potential opportunity for financial institutions to work with community stakeholders to promote savings, including savings behaviors that can benefit consumers at all income levels.

A separate webinar will be held on January 15, 2013 to provide implementation strategies for bank staff to consider.

Please join us for the webinar on December 11, 2013, 2:30—3:30 p.m. (ET) for an overview of approaches to consider for participating in America Saves Week.

To register online for this event, please go to http://fdic.gov/news/conferences/other_events/2012-12-11.html.

Registration closes on Friday, December 7, 2012.