Banker Teleconference Series: Private Flood Insurance Rule


May 20, 2019

Financial Institution Letter

Banker Teleconference Series: Private Flood Insurance Rule

Timely and Comprehensive Information from the FDIC


The FDIC's Division of Depositor and Consumer Protection (DCP)  will conduct an interagency webinar scheduled for Tuesday, June 18, 2019, that will focus on the recently issued interagency final rule on private flood insurance.  The session is free, but registration is required.  This is a continuing series of events for bankers, including teleconferences and webinars, to update bank management and staff on important bank regulatory and emerging issues in the consumer compliance and protection area.

The final rule becomes effective on July 1, 2019.

Statement of Applicability to Institutions under $1 Billion in Total Assets:

This Financial Institution Letter applies to all FDIC-supervised financial institutions.       

Suggested Distribution:

FDIC-Supervised Institutions

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